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Edge of Victory I: Conquest sp Edge of Victory II: Rebirth sp Star by Star sp

Dark Journey sp Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream
Animation Edge of Victory I: Conquest Quotes

“He’s losing faith in everything he’s counted on his whole life.”
“I didn’t exactly have a normal childhood, but doesn’t that happen to most children at a certain point?”
- Luke and Mara Skywalker talking about Anakin Solo.

“It was all my fault. Master Ikrit died because of me. Karrde’s people died because of me.”
“Now this I’m pretty good at. Blaming myself for things. I can really teach you to do that right. In fact, if we think really hard about it, I bet we can find some way to blame you for the Yuuzhan Vong finding the galaxy in the first place. No, I think I want the blame for that one. We can blame Palpatine on you though. How’s that?”
- Tahiri Veila and Anakin Solo

“I hate shoes. I only wear them when I have to. Shoes were invented by the Sith to keep our delicate toes in anguish and misery, I’m sure of it.”
-Tahiri Veila

“May we at last embrace our foes?”
You embrace them. I’m going to knock them down. Your shapers want Jedi? One is coming to them.”
-Vua Rapuung and Anakin Solo

“Do I understand them? No, not completely. But I have a deeper understanding than I did. I can think of them as people now, and that makes a difference.”
-Anakin Solo speaking about the Yuuzhan Vong

“Shada, when will you learn to trust my instincts? When have I ever gotten you killed?”
-Talon Karrde

”Darling, I love you, you are my life and my light. If you ever do this to me again, I will vape you where you stand.”
-Mara Jade, talking about being pregnant.

“You look...different.”
“Older maybe? I’m fourteen now. Last week.”
“Happy birthday.”
“You should have thought of it then, but thanks anyway. Dummy.”
-Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila.

“We’re still best friends.”
“Then the way you treat your other friends must really stink.”
-Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila

“There are times to use the Force in self-defense, Valin, and there are times when defense means attack. And if I have to squeeze Vehn’s brain to learn what we need to rescue Tahiri, I might even do that. But torture for the sake of torture--never.”
-Anakin Solo

“You sold my students out. I won’t forget that. Ever.”
-Luke Skywalker to Borsk Fey’lya

“Chief Fey’lya, you are a poor excuse for a sentient being. I hope one day you will really smell the stink in your heart and choke on the fumes.”
-Jaina Solo

“We saw what Yuuzhan Vong promises meant on Duro. Don’t cooperate with them and they mow you down. If you do cooperate with them, they mow you down, laughing about how stupid you’ve been.”
-Jaina Solo

“You saved my life. How disgusting. How unfortunate.”
“No, don’t gush on so. It was nothing, really.”
-Vua Rapuung and Anakin Solo

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All excerts and quotes belong to Greg Keyes
Animation Edge of Victory II: Rebirth Quotes

“How long before we get to sleep through the night again?”
“If this one is anything like the Solo kids, I’d say at least another twenty years.”
-Luke and Mara Skywalker

“Are they all that ugly?”
“You’ll want to rephrase that after what I just went through. Think in the general direction of antonyms.”
-Anakin Solo and Mara Skywalker talking about baby Ben

‘Would he make it through Valin and Jysella's teenage years without turning to the dark side? Probably not.’
-Corran Horn

“If you were dying of thirst on Tatooine, I wouldn’t even spit on you.”
-Jaina Solo to Kyp Durron

“There’s more to this universe than Jaina Solo, believe it or not.”
-Kyp Durron

“Wow. You must love your mirror.”
-Jaina Solo to Kyp Durron

“Maybe you don’t know very much about girls. You just kissed me, and now you want me to clear my mind? It’s like there’s a tribe of Ewoks dancing in there.”
-Tahiri Veila

“Your timing is perfect. Wait until we’re doomed to give me my first kiss.”
-Tahiri Veila to Anakin Solo

“Jacen Solo is with you. I want him. Alive. When I have him, you’re free to go.”
“Oh, sure. I’ll just put him in the escape pod and send him over.”
(and later...)
“Infidel. There is no sign you are preparing an escape pod.”
Tsavong Lah and Han Solo

“I think there are a few hundred Jedi proverbs about patience. Though they all elude me just this moment. Try to follow Anakin’s example. (pause) I can’t believe I just said that.”
-Corran Horn

“We could use the Force, make one of the guards take us to them.”
“Absolutely not. You’re not going to the dark side on my watch. Do it on Luke’s.”
-Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn

“I’m all pirate. I pillage; therefore I am.”
-Jacen Solo

“Rogue Squadron has resigned from the New Republic before. We can do it again.”
-Gavin Darklighter

“I speak your infidel tongue. It tastes like the waste excretions of an ill vhlor on my tongue, but I can speak it. Please, ask me something so I may deny it to you.”
“We infidels don’t normally sample the waste excretions of ill animals, so I don’t fully understand the reference. I suppose that such delicacies are reserved for the chosen.”
-Kotaa Zun-qin and Corran Horn

“Jacen, maybe we weren’t the best of parents. Maybe we weren’t around as much as we could have been, and maybe this is your way of paying us back. But if your only interpretation of ‘your father needs you’ is that I’m trying to manipulate you, then I’ve been a far worse mother than I ever dreamed. If that’s all you see, by all means, go. I wouldn’t want you on those terms.”
-Leia Organa Solo

“The old Jedi order died with the Old Republic. Then there was Luke, and only Luke, and a lot of fumbling to re-create the Jedi from what little he knew of them. He did the best he could, and he made mistakes. I was one of them. His generation of Jedi was put together like a rickety space scow, but from it something new has emerged. It’s not the old Jedi order, nor should it be. We, Jaina, are the new Jedi order. And this is our war.”
-Kyp Durron

“I would never hurt you.”
“Who said anything about you hurting me?”
-Tahiri Veila and Anakin Solo

“The buzz is that you’re the next Luke Skywalker, at the very least.”
-Corran Horn to Anakin Solo

“Tell me we aren’t going to pop out in the Yag’Dhul system.”
“We aren’t going to pop out in the Yag’Dhul system.”
“We’re going to come out really near it, though.”
-Corran Horn and Anakin Solo

“Should I have left you two unchaperoned?”
-Corran Horn to Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila

“When I brought you along on this trip, I never said you could be captain, and I didn’t tell you this is a democracy. Jacen, I love you. But sit down, shut up, and do as you’re told.”
-Han Solo

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All excerts and quotes belong to Greg Keyes
Animation Star by Star Quotes

“The New Republic? Are you blind? There is no New Republic! It died before the Yuuzhan Vong came!”
-Leia Organa Solo

“Wedge Antilles owes you a favor?”
“Everybody owes me a favor.”
-Leia and Han Solo

“I know how they think.”
“You know how they think ? They aren’t going to be thinking thud bugs.”
-Anakin Solo and Han Solo on Yuuzhan Vong.

“And I always thought the reason you left Tatooine was to join the rebellion and save the galaxy.”
“No, it was the food--definitely the food.”
-Mara and Luke Skywalker

“Kiss Tahiri for me.”
-Anakin Solo

“Stay out of this, Tenal Ka. You can’t possibly know anything about it. You have the emotional depth of a ronto.”
-Jaina Solo

“We’ll be back, Jacen. You hold on. We’ll come for you.”
-Jaina Solo

“Danni, Cilghal, congratulations. Your success came too late for Coruscant, but it gives me hope for the future.”
-Luke Skywalker

“This is not the end. Two years ago, the Yuuzhan Vong entered our galaxy. They came not as friends and equals, though we would gladly have welcomed them as such, but as thieves and conquerors. They saw a galaxy at peace and mistook the strength of our convictions for frailty of arms, the wisdom of compromise for the timidity of cowards. They attacked without provocation or mercy, slaying billions of our citizens, enslaving entire worlds, and sacrificing millions of beings to appease the bloodlust of their imaginary gods. They believed we would be easily defeated, because they believed we would yield without a fight.
“They were wrong. We have fought at Dubrillion, Ithor, the Black Bantha, Borleias, and Corellia--we have fought them every leg of the way from the Outer Rim into the Core. We have lost untold numbers of loved ones, my own son Anakin and my husband’s dear friend Chewbacca among them, and now we are battling in the skies over Coruscant itself. We are still fighting.
“Soon, the enemy will be on our rooftops, in our homes, roaming the dark underlayers of our city. To those able to evacuate and to those trapped behind, I say the same thing I would tell my twins--were I able to reach them behind enemy lines: Keep fighting.
“This is not the end. Twice already, Jedi-led forces have decimated Yuuzhan Vong fleets, and we enter each battle with new weapons and better tactics. We have prevailed against ruthless enemies before, against Palpatine, against Thrawn, against the Ssi-ruuk. This is a war we know how to win. Keep fighting until you can fight no longer, then exhaust the enemy chasing you, and turn and fight some more. Keep fighting I promise you, we will prevail.”
-Leia Organa Solo (had to put every word, awesome speech)

“He has already promised honorable conduct. Though, if you ask me, a Yuuzhan Vong’s promise is worth precisely as much as a Jawa’s.”

A warm drop struck his face, then another and another. Jacen craned his neck and found Vergere wiping tears from her cheeks. Her face was turned so Nom Anor and the others could not see.
“Vergere, were you--”
“Yes, Jacen.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “I was crying for you.”

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All excerts and quotes belong to Troy Denning.
Animation Dark Journey Quotes

“Same old Jaina--subtle as a thermal detonator.”

“Anakin started to figure it out. I sensed it in him after Yavin Four. He learned something there that the rest of us don’t know, something that could have made all the difference, if only he’d had time to figure it out. If there is such a thing as destiny, I think that was Anakin’s. He has always been different. Special.”
“Of course. He was your brother.”
“He is--He was more than that. With Anakin’s death I lost a brother, but the Jedi lost something I can’t begin to define. My feelings tell me it’s something important, something we lost a very long time ago.”
-Jaina Solo and Zekk

“That’s Jaina. Thousands of pilots can get from here to there in an X-wing, but how many could make a hunk of rock twirl like a Twi’lek dancing girl.”
-Han Solo

“Is every third human in this galaxy named Solo?”
-Khalee Lah

“Force lightning.”
“Oh, great. How Sith is that?”
-Jaina Solo and Tahiri Veila

“After this war is over, I’m taking a vacation on Mon Calamari.”
“Sounds nice.”
“I’m going to find the largest coral reef on that world and then I’m going to blow it up.”
-Alema Rar and Zekk

“Kyp Durron. You might as well turn around right now. I wouldn’t follow you out of an ocean if I were drowning.”
-Jaina Solo

“Tahiri, you’ve flown in these things before. How did you land?”
“We crashed mostly.”
-Jaina Solo and Tahiri Veila

“Hurling black lightning is one thing, but quoting Kyp Durron puts me lower than I ever expected to get.”
-Jaina Solo

“I learned several things that might be of importance to your family. Among the Yuuzhan Vong, twin births are considered a portent. One twin battles the other, and the winner goes on to an important role in a pivotal event.”
Han nudged Leia. “Don’t worry sweetheart. You can take Luke. You’ll just have to fight dirty.”
-Prince Isolder and Han Solo

“I came for an apology.”
“Fine, but make it quick. I’m busy.”
“Actually, I came prepared to listen.”
-Jagged Fel and Jaina Solo

“How did an Alderaanian princess end up with such a daughter?”
“Do you want the short answer, or do you need someone to explain the details to you with charts and diagrams?”
-Jagged Fel and Jaina Solo

‘In his opinion, there were far too many dark-haired, green-eyed men in Jaina Solo’s orbit.’
-Jagged Fel

“If I start feeling the urge to tattoo my face, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
-Jaina Solo

“If she decides that this is a good path to power, she will find a way to take it.”
“Ta’a Chume has that much power?”
“I was not speaking of my grandmother.”
-Tenel Ka and Jagged Fel

“You will be sacrificed to the gods and then I will tear out your heart with my own hands.”
“If you still have your hands, you’re probably not as far up the ladder as you wanted us to think. Put someone else on--someone with real authority and a few more replacement parts.”
“With those words, you have earned yourself much pain.”
“I take it the Vong don’t get promoted for their conversational skills.”
-Tsavong Lah and Jaina Solo

“I’m going to work toward the establishment of a Jedi Council, to building consensus instead of discord.”
-Kyp Durron (his funniest line yet)

‘Jag Fel was one of those people who looked good from every angle.’
-Jaina Solo

‘She considered the road ahead. She’d have to face all the friends who had warned her, the family who had worried. At every turn, people would question her. She would have to make people believe that the dark side had no part in her actions, her decisions. The most difficult person to convince, she suspected, would be herself.’
-Jaina Solo

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All excerts and quotes belong to Elaine Cunningham.
Animation Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream Quotes

I hope the Vong here have come to love this world. Because I’m going to take it from them. They’re going to learn what it is to lose the things they love.
-Wedge Antilles

“Rogue Squadron to Borleias. We’re back. We kicked your butt twenty years ago. Now we’re here to do it again.”
-Gavin Darklighter

“That’s treason. I like it.”
-Booster Terrick

“Well, I can be them probably as well as I can be you. And, of course, you can be you better than I can be you. But if you’re them and I’m you, everyone is thinking outside the box.”
-Tycho Celchu

“A vision. There’s evil on Coruscant. Tremendous dark side evil.”
-Luke Skywalker

“Tycho, we’re about to achieve a tremendous victory we don’t want.”
“We’ll put that in your biography. General Antilles was so good he couldn’t fail when he tried to.”
-Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu

“You’re the captain.”
“I notice you never say that to me when you disagree with something I’ve said.”
-Leia and Han Solo

“My husband never really told me how annoying you were.”
-Iella Wessiri to Kell Tainer

“Embrace the pain, scarhead.”
-Alema Rar

“Obviously a fake Kyp. You distract him. I’ll shoot him under the table.”
-Han Solo

“If I wait until Ben’s enemies are right in front of me before I kill them, I’ve already failed him.”
-Mara Jade Skywalker

“Behold, the favorite weapon of the Jedi before the invention of the lightsaber.”
-Luke Skywalker talking about a hammer

“You’re avoiding her as your mother.”
“That’s ridiculous. I haven’t started calling her ‘Leia’ or ‘Hey, you,’ or ‘What’s-your-name, Han’s wife.’”
-Tahiri Veila and Jaina Solo

“I’m the psychological warfare expert here, and I say she can’t.”
“I’m three times your mass, and can take off your head with a single bite, and I say she can.”
-Sharr Latt and Voort saBinring (Piggy)

“This sounds like the worst idea in a thousand generations of bad ideas.”
“You haven’t heard all our ideas.”
-Luke Skywalker and Bhindi Drayson

“Everyone is going away and I can’t stop it. I didn’t want you to go away.”
-Jaina Solo to Jag Fel

“I’ve known Jaina Solo since she was tiny. You’re not her.”
-Wedge Antilles to Jag Fel

“How old were you before you first disagreed with a commanding officer--and later found out you were right?”
“Twenty. Which is when I first had a commanding officer.”
-Jagged Fel and Wedge Antilles

“I’m not a brat.”
“No, your dad’s the brat in the Horn family.”
-Valin Horn and Han Solo

“All kids argue like senior politicians. Except that not all senior politicians can cry on cue.”
-Leia Organa Solo

“We’re going to face them with an enemy they’ve never had the displeasure of fighting. We’re going to hit them with the Empire.”
“They’re not going to like the Empire.”
-Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu

We should be away from all this now. Han and Jaina and Jacen and Anakin and I. And Luke and Mara and little Ben. In a field of flowers. On Alderaan.
-Leia Organa Solo

“I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of surviving ...and getting to the end of the war and discovering that I’m all alone. That everyone I knew and cared for is gone.”
-Jaina Solo

“I finally understood about you sending us, Jacen and Anakin and me, away when we were little. Having to be away all the time even when we were on Coruscant. I’m not stupid, I always knew why. Responsibilities. But I never really understood how badly it had to have hurt you.”
-Jaina Solo to her mother

“Do you need help?”
“I’m going to die.”
“Then you definitely do need help.”
-Jaina Solo and Tam Elgrin

“Oh, I have a really good feeling about this.”
-Lando Calrissian

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All excerts and quotes belong to Aaron Allston.

Quotes Page 4