This is the page where Leticia and Anthony can share whats new with Nathan

November 21, 2001

Nathan is a very good boy. He just turned 6 months a few days ago. Nathan loves when Daddy plays with him early in the mornings! And he is developing right on target. When on his tummy he rolls to his back. This month he should be learning to sit all by himself, and by the time he turns seven months, he should begin crawling.

November 26, 2001

Here is Nathan's thought on avocados:

Nathan's pediatrician suggested adding some avocado to his cereal. First time he tried it, he made faces but ate it. He did the same thing with the next two feedings. However, this last Saturday November 24, 2001, I fed him and I think he ate a lot. But, I don't think his cereal/avocado combo agreed with him. On Sunday, he completely refused to eat his cereal with avocado. Every time I tried feeding him, he would turn his face to either side with his mouth tightly shut. So, I ended up feeding him only cereal. So, we've concluded that he doesn't like the taste of avocado. How can that be? His Mom and Dad love eating avocado!