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    Scarlet Banner President Bush Rocks Nation with Racial Epithets
    Freitag, Januar 31, 2003 - Wahrheit©
      In a recent interview with a journalist for the Washington Post, president George Walker Bush stunned the nation and the free world with racially and religiously charged comments. While in the discussion of foreign policy, Mr. Bush was asked why the US has maintained such close ties with Israel while supplying it with military and economic support, to which the president replied, "Well, this is the holy land. It's our holy land. And when it's between Jews and ragheads, you gotta go with the lesser of the two evils."

      Upon release of the comments, White House spokesperson Ari Fliescher said that the quotes were taken out of context and denied that the president meant any offense with his usage of the term "ragheads." "The president did not use the term in a disparaging manner. He was merely referring to the traditional Islamic headdress with no intention of isolating or offending," insisted Mr. Fleischer.

      This is proof positive that the president of the United States has a religious agenda and is tearing down the boundaries between church and state, as Stalinist Party Leader Reinhard Schicklgruber can be remembered as stating as early as 2001. In a land of freedoms, a land which has come over 200 years to protect our basic rights, having a government which endorses a particular religion threatens to destroy those very 200 years of progress. We have come a long way from the days when the religion of the king was that of the land's, and we mustn't revert.

      Von Christof "Der Stahler" Streicher

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