Tent City Pics

The Tent City of Sisterly Love

The Hammock District

Let's rent This Port-A-potty!

Outdoor Shower and Change Room...

...With Curtain!

Tent City

           We started out with only five people. For the past few years, we have grown quite a bit. On average, Survivor Weekend has been drawing in about 20 people a year. Now, here's a fun stat. Anse-Bleue has a population of 209. This means that, on Survivor Weekend, our crew increases the population of the village by a whopping 5%! Where do you put all of those people? Tent city, that's where.

           Tent City springs up every year in Roger and Dorice's backyard. After you arrive, the first thing you do is, of course, eat some ham. It's a long drive, bebe, and you must be hungry. The second thing you do is pitch a tent. Find yourself a nice level spot in the massive backyard, whip out your poles, and set up your tent. If your tent has those extra ropes for windy conditions, you may want to set those up as well. It can get pretty windy in Tent City. This year, pitching a tent my be somewhat easier than normal. First off, the yard has been levelled, so finding even ground should be easy. Second, we have a streetlight in the backyard, courtesy of Uncle Bernie. Just don't ask where he got it.

            Like any good city, Tent City has more than just tents. There's the Hammock District, with the most comfortable fishnet hammock you've ever swung in. Two years ago, we bought Roger and Dorice a great screen house. It makes a nice common area for donut breakfasts or late night drinking when the beach is closed due to rain. It can also be used as a second dining room, for those Sunday turkey dinners. There's a clothesline, to dry our towels and, for those who still use them, our bathing suits. And there's still plenty of space to run (or stumble) around throwing frisbees, footballs, or lawn darts.

            This year, in addition to the level ground, we're expecting two new additions to Tent City. Imagine 5% of any given city all trying to use the same bathroom, at the same time. There's gonna be lineups. So in order to shorten wait times, this year we're installing a public washroom. That's right - we're getting a Port-A-Potty! The rental fee is a mere $50 for the week, plus a cleaning fee. At 20 people, that's gonna be roughly $4 a person for the weekend. If you knock over the Port-A-Potty, you will clean it up yourself. If you knock over the Port-A-Potty while someone is still in it, you will be shot. Also, we have invested in an outdoor shower/changing room. It's the Aqua Inflatables "Portable Shower n' Change". The unit hooks up to a hose and includes a shower with an on/off button. It also includes adjustable Velcro®-backed privacy curtain. Made of heavy duty PVC, it measures 32"L x 37½"W x 74¾"H. I'll stock it with Irish Spring, so you can be clean as a whistle!

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