What Is High Stakes Testing?

High stakes testing means that standardized tests are being used to make important decisions about students.

These decisions include determining

In North Carolina End of Grade (EOG) tests in reading and mathematics are given to students in grades 3 through 8.  High school students take End of Course (EOC) tests in most of their classes. In the 2001 - 2002 school year, "gateways" will exist for students in grades 3, 5, and 8. This means if the student fails the EOG test, the burden will be placed on the classroom teacher to provide a portfolio of work demonstrating that the student should be promoted.

During the 2000 - 2001 school year, projections for failure indicated that 30,000 fifth graders would fail the test. Because of the Department of Public Instruction's error is setting the pass rate at 28% correct for the math test (thus ensuring almost all students would pass this portion), the true nature of the gateways is still largely unknown. Anecdotal evidence from around the state would suggest that school districts are heeding the wishes of parents who are opposed to the mass retentions that the EOGs in an undiluted form would create. It is important to maintain and increase that pressure.

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