Ethnic Crafts Links
Origami: (Conception): Good luck
           History of Origami
            Origami and
Joseph Wu Origami
Money Origami
Sadako Sasaki and the thousand cranes.
Sei Shonagon and the Pillow Book.

Native America: (Birth): Spiritual Security
Native American Indian Tribes of the US and Canada
National Museum of the American Indian
Smithsonian Institution of Native American History and Culture
This Day in North American Indian History
Legend of the Dream Catcher

Baby Boomers:  (Childhood): Emotional Security
What is a Baby Boomer?
Who is Dr. Spock?
Meanings of Last Names
Meanings of First Names
Security Objects      
Project Linus

Africa: (Maturation): Transmission of Values
Adrinka Symbols
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
Mything Links
From Around The World: Stories, Legends and Folktales
The Moonlit Road
SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages
Folk Play Scripts

New Zeland: (Adolesence): Beauty and Idenity
Maori Ta-Moko
Dictionary of Symbols
Write your name the Egyptian way!
Symbolism of Colors
Chinese Zodiac
Astrology/ Zodiac
Tattoo safety
How Tattooing works
Alliance of Professional Tattooists
Brittish Isles (Family): Documentation: Calligraphy and Illumination
Medieval Beastiary
Celtic Knots
             Illumination Examples
             Book of Kells
Family Tree form