Sketchbook Assignments
Rules:  Sketchbook assignments are assigned Monday and due the following Monday.
          Late assignments = after school detention plus maxium grade of (70)
          Sketchbook assignments make up 1/3 of your course grade.
          All sketchbook assignments will be group critiqued in class.

Why?  I can teach you technical skills- that's easy.  What is hard for me to teach, critical for you to learn and difficult to do totally independently is to learn how to be creative- how to think beyond a basic solution to a prompt.  Sketchbook assignments offer you the structure of a prompt with the total freedom of solution- it is up to you to make it creative, to think beyond the standard response.  By sharing our solutions with each other (I do all of the assignments as well) we not only gain in our creativity, but we learn how others precieve the world and arrive at solutions.

Grading: A= outstanding.  Excellent technical/ creative solution.  B= above average. shows creativity and individual thought.  C= average. common solution.  D= below average.  unclear solution with little thought.  F= incomplete, undone, or shoddy.

Other sketchbook work:  your sketchbook is where you keep class notes, all research (except formal essays and/or papers) and developmental drawingings.  You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to work independently in it. 

Week One: assigned 01/05 due 01/10
          Soothsayers:  Say me some sooth!  Predict your future.

Week Two: assigned 01/10 due 01/18
           New:  Notice and record something new about an area you see every day.
King's Virtual Sketchbook
Sketchbook Gallery