MOMS Club® of San Antonio - North Central, Texas
Playgroups are a means of forming valuable relationships with other moms and providing each other with needed support.  Playgroups usually meet once a  week at a set day and time.  We vary where we will meet, whether it be at a member's house, or a park.  We set the playgroups up, give you guidelines, and what happens after that is up to you.  Play, chat, let the kids run amok and get in some adult conversation (if that is possible).

Playgroups are open to MOMS Club
® members only and a liability release from must be signed and returned before any playgroup information is given out.
MOMS Offering Moms Support®
CURRENT PLAYGROUPS                                                    

Days & TImes
Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.              01/03 - 01/04

Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.              09/04 -11/04

Friday, 9:30 a.m.                             2005

Monday, 9:30 a.m.                          2006
Northeast Independent School District
Welcome to San Antonio
International MOMS Club ®
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