Job Resources for Technical Communicators

Here is a comprehensive list of sites on the internet that contain available jobs for technical communicators. I've found positions for entry level communicators as well as seasoned veterans. Some of the positions are with contract houses while others are full-time positions. Some of them also offer help with resume development and career development skills. Let me know if any of them help you land a job by signing my
guestbook or E-mailing me. Also, please E-mail me if you know of any other great sites. If you want to post an open position, just E-mail me the information and I will post it on this page. If you want to advertise your services, let me know and I will add that as well. No charge!

Technical Communications Resources
New Writers: Resources for New Technical Writers, this Web site is a result of the STC-Houston "Share-the-Knowledge" workshop.

STC: The Society for Technical Communication

Techwr-l: An unmoderated discussion forum for technical communication topics. If you are a student, or just someone interested in technical communication topics, join the list and benefit from over 4100 subscribers' expertise, education, and experience.

Check out Writing for the Technical Professions Online!, an online version of a technical communications textbook, where you will find a reference to my resume in one of their articles.

Jobs throughout the World
The Monster Board: One of the biggest job boards on the internet. Select "job search", select United States or International depending on where you want to work, select your country or state, then select "engineering-technical writing." Select your state, select "technical", click on "search", select "technical writer", select the number of ads to display (the default is 5), click on "next." If you are an editor instead of a writer, this site has "technical editor" listed as well.

STC: This is the Society for Technical Communication, THE professional organization for technical communicators. If you are not yet a member, you should sign up. To find information on jobs, select "employment" from the pull down menu and then click on the GO button.

The Computer Jobs Store: This site already has a category set up just for technical writers. Click on your regional area, click on "find a job" and then scroll down while looking at the right hand side of the page. Under the "Position" category you will find "Technical Writer." This site is updated hourly.

Net-Temps: At this site you can search for jobs and/or post your resume. I found several technical writing jobs under the Information Technology career channel. Just select the link, select the area of the country where you want to work and type "write" or "writer" in the search box.

Telecommuting Jobs
Here is a list of sites with telecommuting jobs.

Jobs in the Bay Area
If there is a lack of jobs in your area, move to the Bay area in California. It has an abundance of technical writing jobs. I am confident that a technical writer could move there and have a job within the week. If anybody else has had a different experience, please let me know. Just click on "writing jobs." Search in the other areas as well because I found some technical writing jobs under each category. The only thing I don't like about this site is the absence of a search engine...

JobsJobsJobs: Just like the one above, this site is crammed full of jobs for technical communicators. The major difference? This site has search capabilities.

Silicon Valley Technical Employment Agencies: A list of over 200 technical employment agencies located in and around Silicon Valley in California's San Francisco Bay Area.

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