
Doctor Nabil Daoud had cerebral stroke which left him totally paralyze and mute, the only way to communicate with his parents is by blinking his eyelids. I had visited him, and I know that Jesus had passed before me, supported-him by giving him the strength and the patience, and said to him and his family house: “don’t be afraid, I am with you”. The tranquility and peace overwhelm the house, and one of his brothers (the one who lives with him in the same house) liberates himself to serve his brother, sacrificing his future.

This handicap was’nt an obstacle before Dr ND who overcome his very difficult case, armed by an unshaking faith and an iron will, he started to translate theological books from foreign languages to Arabic using the code then the computer.

When I visited him I was shocked by the power of his peaceful tranquility and the greatness of his hopefulness.

Youssef Kallas

metropolitan of Beirut


Dear Dr Nabil Daoud spiritual son       

Despite your destiny, you have been  flying too high in the heights challenging the great difficulties and victorious over the feebleness of the body, and over the handicap which never softt’en your firm’ness nor blocking your unlimited ambition supported by a strong faith and biggest capacity of human beings.

if this capacity emerging from a faith “moving the mountains”, at this moment “what is impossible for humain beings, is possible for God”.

When I visited him, I was very surprise by his whole serenity and the power of his presence.

He gives by his life the example and the model for everyone who was affected by many afflictions attempting to prevent the implementation of God will in his life.

Elias Kfoury

metropolitan of Sidon

Tyr & Marjeyoun


    Last time i visited Dr Nabil, before I left his room, I stared in his eyes for a few seconds and said: "Dr Nabil, I thank God very much that in my life I met someone like you".

Knowing Dr Nabil Daoud goes back 4 years ago when I

started visiting him with Father Jean-Marie Chami who carries the Holy Communion to the Dr and his family every Sunday.

The first reaction that I had when I first met him

was this silence and peace that he has in his face. Actually this reaction happens to all people who meet this man for the first time. Yes, there is a special presence for God that no one can understand or even talk about. As if you are standing infront of an old wise man, full of wisdom and knowledge, indeed he is.

After continous visitations with Father Jean-Marie Chami to the Dr, I learned his simple technique in communicating with people, through dividing the alphabet to 4 parts. How wonderful to know someone,

who in  spite of his physical situation, managed to translate 4 books to Arabic language. I even had one of his books at home before I met him. From That time i

started talking to my friends at the Seminary, and to my relatives about this remarkable man and his achievments.

The relationship with the Dr did not stop at the point of visiting him only, but after i started carrying the Holy Communion to the Dr alone by myself, the relationship with him started to get deeper and deeper, until i started asking for his advices concerning my vocations in life.

What is extraordinary is that he remembers topics in his books, especially the number of pages where he can find thoughts and wants to turn them over to me.

Yes again I say: "thanks God that I met someone like Dr Nabil".

I know that my relationship with the Dr is just a

beginning. Yet, there is a lot to discover in the face of this man, a face that leads to know the real face of humanity, the face of Jesus.

Bashar Azar


Feast of the Presentation

of our Lady to the Temple


your knowledge have transformed my whole life in manner I see  it better.

your disease have learned to me to believe more profoundly in God, and to love him much more.

Despite your great handicap, the perseverance you have showed was a good example for us to accept God will in our life whatever this will is difficult and opposant to our wishes.

this world of silence in which you live and your physical handicap wer’nt an obstacle before you, to learn new technology and to write and to make your special language (the code) , I thank God to have met you because I learned from your example that we can better accomplish God will in perseverance.

Zeina Dagher

member of IM



nine years after CS with tracheostomy
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Nabil Daoud MD
locked-in syndrome
Name: Nabil Daoud MD
Email: ndmd@yahoo.com