The Statistics
              The box Office for THE MATRIX
                  #5 of the year 1999!!!

          Domestic Gross  Foreing Gross    Total

The Matrix     171.4*          285.0*      456.4*

(*The numbers are in millions)
The 5 Top-Selling Movies in 1999:
1-Star Wars-Episode 1:The Phantom Menace
2-The Sixth Sense
3-Toy Story 2 (!?)
4-Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Critic's Opinion:
/\The New York Times: "...a furious special effect tornado..."
/\Chicago Sun-Times:"[The Matrix] is a visually dazzling cyber-adventure,full of kinetic excitment..."
/\BoxOfficce Magazine: "...the Honk Kong movie America's been waiting for!"
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