The planet Nova Arcana is the seventh of 14 planets that revolve around the star Kaus Australis, which lies in the constellation Sagitarius. It is about the size of the planet Mercury. There are 24 hours in one day, and the planet revolves around it’s sun once every 365.25 days (exactly like Earth).

The planet Nova Arcana is mostly water; it has four major oceans: the Rhine, the Arden, the Xaric, and the Emerald (see a pic of the planet.)

There are five continents plus one sub-continent: Kia, Atlantis, Corillia, Neo Terra and Iberia; the sub-continent is Uralin. Corillia, the smallest continent, has 18 countries on it. Iberia has 23; Neo Terra has 18; Atlantis has 18 and Kia has 31 countries plus three island countries. Uralin, the sub-continent, has four countries and two islands (again, see a pic of the planet.)

Neptunia, the largest country on the planet, is located in the west on the Kian continent.

1) Vostox river
2) Schulz river
3) Idle river
4) Zeman river
5) Caspian mountains
6) Dolphin lake
7) Kypros mountains
8) Petronia river

Neptunia has two sets of mountains, rivers, and a big central lake. It touches two oceans, as well.

Neptunia has five major rivers: The Vestox in the west; the Idle in the center; the Zeman in the south east; the Petronia, which separates the two provinces (Petronia and South Petronia); and the Shulz in the north. The Schulz flows from Cumberland in the north into the main lake in Neptunia; that being Dolphin lake. It splits in two before entering the lake. The Idle river flows from the Kypros mountains into Dolphin lake.

Dolphin lake is the biggest lake in the country, and is located in four provinces: New Karaway, Celica, Beryllia and Eternia. In the middle of Dolphin lake is an island, which is a national park. The island is bordered by two rivers to the north and the lake to the south.

There are seven "regions" in Neptunia. In the east extending to the other side of the country, there is mixed forest, while in the south, from the west coast to the east coast there is rainforest.

In the north and northwest there is semi-desert-like conditions, also known as badlands. barren rock and loose soil cover the ground. Many types of gemstones have been found here, including diamonds in the Dimonia Territory. Also found here are many species of extinct animals, more commonly known as "dinosaurs." (Yes, Nova Arcana had them too.)

Smack in the middle of the country is a great prarie.

To the north west is a small section of sheer clifs next to the ocean.

In the middle of these "sheer clifs" lies the exit mouth of the Vostox river, where it joins the ocean. This is the spectacular Felds Falls.

The last region - the "dead canyon" region - lies in the Dead Man Territory. A huge asteroid fell towards Nova Arcana and landed in this territory. The name is actually a misnomer, of sorts. The Canyon is devoid of animals, but cacti and succulents do grow there. When there is nothing going on, or if there is nobody around, people sometimes say that it is "dead." This is who the Canyon got it's name.

Of course, the canyon is smaller than what is shown in the picture. However, the canyon is still massive, and a major tourist attraction.

It is generally accepted by scientists that the asteroid fell to Nova Arcana some 710,000 and change years ago.