No more of those e-mail surveys for me!  Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Math is the universal language, right?
Well, I've never been to good at math, so here is me, in MY math.
And as for, well this?  Here is a bit of...

Though its answer little meaning -- little relevancy bore;

Here is me, in my mathimatical format....
All of this spouted from the following statement:

"My head is the result of pollen and orange juice."
And it goes something like this:

Orange juice + pollen = Heidi's Head
Zipper + pine cone + blue jay + nothing = Heidi's Ass
Goo goo dolls + brad pitt - whipping cream = Heidi's Arms
Beech - car + N + Josh Stowkowski + halva - white dwarf = Heidi's
Toaster + carpet + (sex/marmite - marmots( = Heidi's Feet
Biology + argile + Scotland - scrabble + CD = Heidi's Fingers
Paint + poinsetta + mouldy bananas + hair = Heidi's Nose
Blue stone of Atlantis + yellow - pencil + avacados + belt = Heidi's Nose
Lamp shade/bunny x chalk + hallway = Heidi's Elbow
Store + Edward Norton/wet cement + broken glass = Heidi's Right Eye
Broken glass - iron ore + Russia - people + stripes x 1.29 + germination = Heidi's Left Eye
Books + hammock + bed + Heidi's Stuff + desk + shelves + you, under my bed = Heidi's Room
Alphabet + 8 - bed + pineapple = Heidi's Mouth
Drama + jaguar/charchole + paper - coke (a cola) = Heidi's Ear
Pi + saturn - tearduct + ruler +Swiss cheese + Heidi's Hand
Sound waves + trees - wait/phone call - Andrew = Heidi's Colar Bones
Thought + jazz + harpsichord/conifers x 8 seeds = Heidi's Neck
Blood + movie - (tofu + planecrash)/(evil+staircase) = Heidi's Sence of Ballance
Deelibob + Simpsons + lightbulb/motor cycle - sunset = Heidi's Stomach
Peaches + green - blue x (notice/eviction) x curtains + plad = Heidi's Armpit
Eighty trillion/dog + jello + (river/fish) - carbon = Heidi's Shoulder
Cell phone + Roman Empire - file cabinate/blue = Heidi's Forehead
Summer + scurvey - sqirels + (boat - JRR Tolkien) - ass = Heidi's Heel
Singing + Earth Group - rain (dent x purple) = Heidi's Skin
X - dead skin + (table/water) + dinosaurs + space = Heidi's Shin
Discman - howl + gash - (pink/walls) = Heidi's Toe/Knee
Fake plants + pillow - (heater/wet wool) + squares = Heidi's Brain.


Scared yet?  Here, have a visual compalation of the original!