Getting your products developed & sold

Nevco Marketing

Marketing & Sales Consulting that Gets Results!

Nevco Marketing is a marketing and sales oriented consulting firm that assists small and medium-sized business to identify and exploit new opportunities by getting product developed and sold. If you are looking for New Business Development assistance and/or specific Marketing & Sales Support for your business, you have come to the right place.

Nevco Marketing is a small but effective team of sales and marketing professionals who are well equipped and experienced in developing plus sales for your consumer products business. We do that by focusing on your products and your customers. We can help you:

·           find new customers for your current products

·           find new ways to market your existing products (to new as well as to current customers)

·           find or develop new products for any/all of your target markets

We specialize in marketing strategy and tactics, program development, new product development (process and systems), merchandising techniques, category management, and sales promotion planning and execution as well as coaching you and your sales/marketing team to achieve new sales levels. Nevco is also particularly skilled at supporting and guiding your business relationships with major retail accounts (such as Wal-Mart, Target, Canadian Tire, Zellers, etc.) in Canada and the US. We can act as your account representative or work behind the scenes to support your planning & preparation.

To contact us:

Nevco Marketing

2974 Tradewind Drive

Mississauga, Ontario

Canada L5N 6L3

Phone: 905-361-7632

Fax: 1-866-388-5750


Most people are confused about the term “Marketing”. At Nevco Marketing, we believe “marketing” is the process of identifying and conditioning your target audience to buy (from you). We help create the conditions for your success by getting your existing and target customers into a buying mode (or mood, if you wish). It has been said that “People don’t like to be Sold but they love to Buy”. Whether it is Wal-Mart or an independent retailer, the product will only get Sold when the customer is ready (i.e., convinced) to Buy. That means getting your product or service in front of the customer in a way, at a time, and in a format that provides them with a compelling solution or benefit. That’s the point when your sales effort will be the most effective. Nevco Marketing is particularly skilled at guiding your product development and sales/marketing efforts to reach that critical point, whatever the size of your customer or client.

We get results!


We are results-driven. So our assignment is not done until you see significant additional business or substantial improvement.


Our Nevco No-Nonsense Ninety guarantee means you are assured that we will make a meaningful positive impact on your business within 90 days. Ask about our money back service excellence commitment.

Gordon Wright, BBM, MBA is the President and Chief Marketing Officer of Nevco Marketing. He has held senior marketing and sales positions with leading Canadian manufacturers and retailers over the past 30 years. He knows the consumer products world “from both sides of the desk” having worked on both the “demand” side and the “supply” side of several consumer products industries. If you are trying to meet and exceed the expectations of major customers such as Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire or need help to re-energize (any or all parts of) your sales and marketing operation or you need to find the new opportunities that can take your business to a new level, call or e-mail him at the coordinates below for a free initial consultation.

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Nevco Marketing

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