Hgeocities.com/newicefire/abuse6.htmlgeocities.com/newicefire/abuse6.htmldelayedxNJ`0_OKtext/html`9_b.HFri, 26 Apr 2002 03:51:13 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *NJ_ abuse6.page
Lavicka says: next question:

Lavicka asks: do you feel despair, fear, anger, resentment, or suicidal?

Lavicka says: if you can answer yes to ANY of those, then get out NOW, while you still can.

Lavicka says: if you feel like you're on a sinking ship without a life preserver, you probably are.

Lavicka says: getting out as soon as you notice a problem will not only save you aggrevation later on, but may also save your life.

Lavicka says: we are already setting ourselves up to be treated badly at our request... dont set yourselves up to be treated badly against your will

Lavicka smiles

Lavicka says: on the up side, no one has to stay in an abusive relationship.

Lavicka says: there is ALWAYS somewhere to go and someone who cares.

Lavicka says: if you think you may be in an abusive relationship leave.

Lavicka says: contact the police.

Lavicka says: call a local shelter.

Sherry listens closely

Beethoven nods!!

Lavicka says: contact friends and family.

Lavicka says: call the national domestic violence hotline: 1-800-799-safe.

Lavicka says: and if you are in need,
www.bannon.com/~race/kap for a kink aware professional near you.

Lavicka says: and probably most importantly, get counseling.

Beethoven says: cripe let me write that down

Lavicka says: no one expects you to make it on your own. never be too proud or too scared to ask for or seek help.

Lavicka says: if you think you know someone who may be in an abusive relationship, talk to them about it. be honest. let them know you arent prying but only trying to help.

Lavicka says: and if at any time you see, first hand, the abuse of someone else, call the police immediately.

Beethoven says: dont want to scare them off

Lavicka nods

Lavicka says: if you only suspect abuse, its best to investigate quietly and not make waves which may make things worse for this person.

Lavicka says: find out what you can before you go off half cocked and cause more trouble than you bargained for.

Beethoven says: oh my

kethry says: and something I should add don't endanger yourself helping someone... there are professionals who can help if things get physical don't be afraid to call them

Lavicka says: as much as you would hate to be wrong and accuse an innocent person of such a crime, you would doubly hate to cause more problems for the victim by the abuser assuming they told you something they shouldnt have.

Lavicka says: this can be a very dangerous area, so tread lightly.

Beethoven says: and you could be in danger

Lavicka says: but if you see abuse first hand and do nothing, you put yourself on the same level as the abuser.

Lavicka says: doing nothing is just as bad as doing the act yourself.

Lavicka says: its important to remember that submissives can be the abuser as well as the victim in these situations.
Ice Fire
BDSM vs Abuse Page 6
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