Hgeocities.com/newicefire/jealousy9.htmlgeocities.com/newicefire/jealousy9.htmldelayedxJ`0^OKtext/html`9^b.HMon, 04 Feb 2002 08:10:46 GMT3Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J^ jealousy9
Redrose says: depends

Lavicka asks: ok crimson.. but what makes someone able to deal with that and get over it where another cant?

Rebecca says: I agree with Crimson. I'm not so sure it is a learned behavior as much as it emerges at the first exposure they have to having someone else take their place... or part of it.

Crimson says: A couple things...

Lavicka asks: is it just something about that person or is it the people around them and the assurance they get in their lives?

Redrose says: and I am not that trusting of people in general

Crimson says: The family has to affirm the first child...

Lavicka asks: ok.. someone explain to me then why i am incredibly trusting when it comes to people and me, but not when it comes to people i love?

Redrose says: someone needs to tell the family that

Crimson says: That he/she has a new role... not that he/she has been replaced

Lavicka laughs, 'nevermind... that was a retorical question'

Crimson says: Not being the center of the universe is something you learn to deal with...

Redrose says: maybe that is why I crave it as an adult :)

Lavicka says to Crimson: i agree... but how? do we just wake up one day and understand it all?

Crimson nods

Crimson says: Nooooooo

Crimson says: Well... partly I think it's in our growing capacity to understand...

Crimson says: Some of that is innate...

Redrose says: I know I got lost growing up one day I was daddy's little girl then he remarried.. I wasnt jealous of my siblings but of the other woman in my fathers life

Crimson says: Much like the way we come to understand that an object still exists when we cant see it

Lavicka says to Redrose: so is this something youve resolved with yourself or is it still a problem?

Lavicka says: i know growing up, i was incredibly jealous of every boyfriend my mom ever had. they were a threat to me

Redrose says: I grew up

Crimson says: Yes, I think experiences like that can arrest the process of coming to terms with that fact you're not the center of the universe

Lavicka nods and smiles

Redrose says: my father and I have never been close again as we were then

Lavicka asks: so are we saying that osmone who has a knack for being jealous in a relationship feels they need more attention from the other person or think they should be enough to keep that person happy?

Lavicka ask: is it simply a matter of having your feelings hurt when you find out they might want more than just you?

Crimson says: Yup

Lavicka says: hmmmmm

Crimson says: Oh... that was to the earlier question

Lavicka says: well, im not sure weve come to any conclusions here, but definitely a good discussion :)

Laavicka says: our hour is up.. feel free to keep talking, if you like though :)
Ice Fire
Jealousy Discussion Page 9
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