Hgeocities.com/newicefire/tips7.htmlgeocities.com/newicefire/tips7.htmldelayedxJVOKtext/html`9b.HTue, 05 Feb 2002 09:07:31 GMTMMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J tips7
LadyDomina says: The Catholic Church has had 2000+ years of setting the scene.

jasper smiles

LadyDomina asks: How many of you are familiar with gregorian chants?

Lavicka raises a hand

xaveria studied them

giniva nods her head

jasper raises hand

LadyDomina says: Good... think of it - In nomine spiritus sancti (whap) etc.

LadyDomina giggles

LadyDomina says: Wonderful flogging music

Spivey grins

jasper says: like Akira

LadyDomina says: And even non-catholics are programmed to repsond to it.

giniva ponders teh Catholoic Church and it's fondness of self-flaggulation and punishment

LadyDomina says: And the latin makes it mystical and mysterious.

LadyDomina says: And speaking of the church... how many of youfind rituals to work for making someone submissive?

jasper think the Mother Superior is a true Domme most times

Lavicka finds them very effective

LadyDomina laughs. I have a nun costume.

Lavicka grins

jasper says: ut oh

LadyDomina asks: Spivey? Do you use them?

Spivey says: not yet.

Spivey says: to tell you the truth I have very little rl experience

LadyDomina says: You don't have to get elaborate, but just little things will work.

LadyDomina says: Ah.

Spivey says: okay

LadyDomina asks: For instance, you have the submissive remove their clothes. Now.. psyhological effect of that?

Lavicka says: humility

Lavicka giggles

jasper says: opening themself to you

Samantha nods... feeling vulnerable

Spivey nods

Lavicka says: being the only naked one in the room can definitely have an impact on the psyche

LadyDomina says: Well, it should make them feel humility in most circumstances. (Oh my, I should not have said that)

LadyDomina says: LOL

Samantha chuckles

Lavicka grins
Ice Fire
Tips, Tricks and Techniques of a ProDomme Page 7
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