You and your infant are invited to take part in a current research study conducted at
New School University by
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dr. Xiaochun Jin and his research team of the Psychology Department at
The New School for Social Research
212-229-5100 Ext: 3222
Contact Information
Are you expecting?
Do you have an infant younger than
5 months old?
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Who we are:
Led by Xiaochun Jin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, we are a team of researchers, psychologists, and graduate and undergraduate psychology students devoted to the study of child psychology.

We investigate how child temperament, early parent-child communication, and maternal sensitivity contribute to the child's emotional bond with the mother and how, if at all, this bond facilitates the child's social and emotional development. In addition, we investigate cross-cultural differences between the child-rearing practices of North American cultures and those of East Asian Cultures.
What is the purpose of the study?
  The aim of this study is to learn more about children's early relationship to their parents and their later psychological adjustment. We are interested in understanding parental care, child temperament, early child-parent communication, emotional bonding, and other factors associated with later adjustment.

We plan to invite 200 parent-child dyads (100 Asian and 100 Non-Asian) to participate in this study.

How can I contribute? What can I expect?
At this time, we are American-born mothers who are expecting or have infants between
0 AND 5 MONTHS OLD to participate in periodic observation by members of our research group at our psychology lab located at the New School. You can sign up for the study while you are still pregnant, or after your child is born. If your child is already 4 months old, please call us as soon as possible.

We ensure that all of our research is non-invasive and conducted in a safe, comfortable environment.

We also understand the time constraints of new mothers and will work to schedule observations at times that are the most convenient for you and your child.

What are the possible benefits of participating in our project?
We hope that you will enjoy the activities and perhaps learn a little more about your child. The findings from our research may contribute to our knowledge about children's early experiences, their early relationships with their parents, and their later adjustment outcomes. It may also help us to understand cross-cultural differences in child rearing practices.

What are the possible risks of participating in our project?
This study involves some of the best-known, state-of-the-art observational procedures in developmental psychology. There are no known risks involved in administering these procedures.

What Happens Next?
If you are interested in our study, please call Dr. Jin's lab at
212-229-5100, ext: 3222. Please leave your name and telephone number and one of our research assistants will return your call shortly to tell you more about our research, answer any questions, and schedule participation times.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Information