Artists exhibiting 1832-1882

To see an example of an artist's exhibited titles at the N.W.S., click on William Bennett or Edwin Hayes on this page......


John Absolon 1839-1882            Miss Charlotte Adams 1833            Miss Lucy Adams 1833            John Ainslie 1833-1834            Louis Albertin 1833            Joseph William Allen 1832            Mrs Helen Cordelia Angel/Miss Coleman 1875-1878            John Wykeham Archer 1842-1864            George Arnald 1832            Sebastian Wyndham Arnald 1832            James Aumonier 1877-1882            G* B* Aylmer 1834


Guido R Bach 1866-1882            William Henry Bach 1832            Edwin Bale 1877-1882            Benjamin Barker 1833            George Barnard 1833-1834            J* Barnes 1834            Valentine Bartholomew 1833-1834            William Henry Bartlett 1832            Thomas Mann Bayes 1832            W* Beaumont 1834            Richard Beavis 1867-1881            Siegfried Bendixen 1834            William Bennett 1848-1871            Charles Bentley 1832-1833            R* O* Bidden 1833            Mrs Blofeld 1834            T* Boddington 1834            Miss Bolton 1834            R T Bone 1832            Mme. Rosa Bonheur 1867-1868            George Henry Boughton RA 1880            Augustus Jules Bouvier    1853-1881            Miss Bowley 1832-1834            Thomas Shotter Boys 1832-1873            E* Bradley 1832            Gordon Bradley 1834-1837            Robert Brandard 1832-1833            S* C* Brees 1834            James Bridges 1832            Sir Oswald Walter Brierley 1840-1841            Henry Bright 1839-1844            Charles Brocky 1855            J* Bromley 1832            Valentine Walter Bromley 1868-1877            William Bromley 1832            William Henry Brooke 1833            J* C* Brown 1833            P* Brown 1832-1833            Hablot Knight Browne 1834            Mme. Henriette Browne/Miss De Saux 1867            Adam Buck 1833            C* F* Buckley 1833            J* Burbank 1833-1834            J* M* Burbank 1832-1834            Miss L* Burbank 1833            Henry William Burgess 1832-1838            John Burgess 1832-1834            Robert William Buss 1832-1834           


Mrs E* C* 1834            Thomas Smith Cafe 1832            John Arthur Cahusac 1832-1837            Randolph Caldecott 1882            John Callow 1845-1848            George Bryant Campion 1834-1869            Robert Carrick 1848-1882            Hugh Carter 1873-1882            Charles Cattermole 1864-1882            George Chambers 1833            John Chase 1833-1879            Miss Marion Chase 1875-1882            Mrs Mary Anne Chase/Miss Rix 1834-1839            F* Chester 1833            Elias Childe 1832-1833            George Childs 1834            Thomas Churchyard 1832            George Clausen ARA 1877-1882            Alfred Clint 1832-1833            Miss Coates 1833            Thomas Collier 1871-1882            J* L* Collignon 1834            William Collingwood 1846-1853            Miss Cook 1832            Samuel Cook 1850-1860            Thomas Sidney Cooper RA 1833            Miss Fanny Corbaux 1832-1854            Miss Louisa Corbaux 1832-1881            Edward Henry Corbauld 1838-1882            William Cowen 1832-1833            David Cox Jnr 1841-1845            W* A* Crabb 1834            Thomas Hartley Cromek 1851-1872            E* A* Crouch 1833-1834            Mrs Cullum 1834            C* M* Curtis 1832           


T* W* Dagnall 1833            Charles Davidson 1848-1853            John Philip Davis 1833            Richard Barrett Davis 1832            William Wood Deane 1863-1870            Miss E* Dearman 1832            John Dearman 1832            James D'Egville 1840-1878            R* Denew 1832            Miss Derby 1833            William Derby 1832-1833            Thomas Colman Dibdin 1832            Mrs Phoebe Dighton/Miss Earl 1832-1833            F* A* Dixon 1833            George Haydock Dodgson 1842-1847            H* E* Downing 1833-1836            Miss E* Drummond 1833            Miss Rosa Emma Drummond 1833            Samuel Drummond 1832-1833            Mrs Mary Elisabeth Duffield/Miss Rosenberg 1861-1882            W* Dunbar 1834            Edward Duncan 1832-1846            Miss E* Duncan 1833-1834            Miss Dutton 1834            A* Duvernoy 1834           


John Edge 1832-1834            Miss Jane Sophia Egerton 1846-1857            Samuel Eglington 1833-1834            George S Elgood 1882            Edward Everitt 1833  


Edward Henry Fahey 1871-1882            James Fahey 1834-1882            Miss Emily Farmer 1854-1882            Robert Farrier 1832-1837            John Field 1832            F* Finden 1833            Rev. Thomas Augustus Charles Firminger 1834-1843            Daniel Fowler 1834            W* Fowler 1833-1834            Miss Fox 1832            John Fulleylove 1879-1882            James Fuge 1832            Joseph Fussell 1833 


R* L* Gale 1834            Louis Gallait 1836-1868            S* Gallaway 1833            Paul Gauci 1834            Francis Gibson 1832-1834            R* H* Giles 1834            S* Gompertz 1833            Frederick Goodall RA 1868-1880            Miss Harriet Gouldsmith 1833-1834            Andrew Carrick Gow RA 1868-1879            Miss Mary L Gow 1875-1882            J* H* Gray 1834            Mrs Green 1832            Benjamin Richard Green 1832-1874            Charles Green 1864-1882            H Towneley Green 1876-1882            Edward John Gregory 1872-1881           


E* A* H*  1833-1834            Louis Haghe  1835-1882            Keeley Halswelle   1882            J* W* Hance  1833            Charles Hancock 1832-1834            William Noble Hardwick 1832-1864            James Hardy 1874-1882            Edward Hargitt 1867-1882            Mrs Fanny Harris/Miss Rosenberg 1847-1872            James Harrison 1833            Mrs Mary Harrison 1833-1875            Mlle Pauline Harrison 1834            Solomon Alexander Hart 1832-1833            Henry Hawkins 1832            Waterhouse Hawkins 1834            Edwin Hayes 1860-1882            Michael Angelo Hayes 1849-1876                Thomas Heaphy 1833            John Rogers Herbert RA 1871-1880            Hubert Herkomer RA 1873-1879            Miss Hewitt 1834            Lilburne Hicks 1837-1860        J* W* Higham 1832            Harry Hine 1879-1882            Henry George Hine 1863-1882            James Thompson Hixon 1868            James Holland 1832-1833            John Hollins 1832            Charles Edward Holloway 1876-1878            James Holmes 1832            T* J* Horsley 1833            John Adam Houston 1874-1882            George Howse 1833-1861            William Hudson 1833-1835            William Highes 1832            Joseph Murray Ince 1832-1833            Joseph Israels 1873-1876            Miss Jaques 1834            Joseph John Jenkins 1834-1847            G* P* Jenner 1834            Harry John Johnson 1868-1882            Henry Johnston 1834-1841


Thomas Jones 1834            Joseph Middleton Jopling 1860-1875            T* M* Joy 1833            Henry Jutsum 1843-1847            


Thomas Kearman 1832-1850                William Henry Kearney 1833-1858            Miss Kearsley 1834            William Knight Keeling 1840-1882            Emma Elonora Kendrick 1832-1834                George Goodwin Kilburne 1866-1882            John Prescott Knight 1832            Joseph Knight 1882            William Knight 1833-1834            


A Lady 1834            H* Lamb 1834            George Lance 1834-1836            Miss E* Land 1833            Thomas Landseer 1832            George Henry Laporte 1834-1873            John Laporte 1833-1835            Miss Mary Anne Laporte 1834-1845            John Le Capelain 1833            William Lee 1846-1865            William Leighton Leitch 1862-1882            G* Leslie 1833-1834            George Robert Lewis 1832-1833            William Lewis 1832            Lady Lindsay (of Balcarres) 1879-1882            Thomas Lindsay 1833-1861            Samuel Lines 1833            Samuel Restell Lines 1832-1833            Sir James Drogmole Linton 1867-1882            William Linton 1833            J* Lloyd 1833-1834            Robert J* Longbottom 1832-1834            Ralph W* Lucas 1834            Seymour lucas RA 1877-1880            William Lucas 1865-1879            C* Lucy 1834            D* Lynch 1833


B* M* 1834                M* Macpherson 1833            Percy Macquoid 1882            John Macwhirter RA 1882            Jean Baptiste Madou 1870-1874                    James Mahoney 1868-1871            George Mair 1832            Thomas Maisey 1832-1882            Mrs Mary Margetts 1842-1877            Charles Marshall 1832-1835            John Marten Jnr 1834            Henry Martens 1833            Ambrose Martin 1832-1833            C* Martin 1834            John Martin 1833-1838            Walter William May 1872-1882            David Hall McKewan 1848-1873            Sir John Everett Millais  PRA 1868            Philip Mitchell 1854-1882            John Mogford 1866-1882            John Henry Mole 1847-1882            H* Montague 1832-1834            J* Marchmont Moore 1832-1833            Edward Morin 1858-1878  Douglas Morison 1836-1837            C* Munday 1833            Mrs Elizabeth Murray/Miss Heaphy 1862-1882


Joseph Nash 1833           H* Newton 1837-1839            Andrew Nicholl 1832-1833            P* H* Nicolas 1834            Henry John Noblett 1832-1834                 


John Wright Oakes 1875            Mrs Emma Oliver/Miss Eburne 1849-1882            William Oliver 1833-1854            James Orrock 1871-1882            T* Overton 1834            


Rev W* P* 1834            Miss Palmer 1833             F* Parker 1833            Henry Perlee Parker 1832-1834                Edmund Thomas Parris 1832-1836            George Parry 1834            T* or J* Parry 1833-1834            E* J* Pasquier 1832-1833            William Patten 1832-1833            Henry Pearsall 1832-1833            Aaron Edwin Penley 1838-1870            Mrs H* Peile 1834            Richard Kyrke Penson FSA 1836-1882            Giles Firman Phillips 1832-1834            J* Phillips 1833            R* E* Phillips 1834            James George Philp 1856-1882            Richard Pickersgill 1832-1833                Henry Clark Pidgeon 1846-1880            Henry Platt 1832-1834                G* R* Plimpton 1834            Paul Falconer Poole RA 1879            C* F* Powell 1832-1834            Joseph Powell 1832-1834            P* Powell 1832            E* Preston 1834            William Lake Price 1832            William Henry Prior 1833-1834            John Skinner Prout 1839-1876            James Baker Pyne 1833-1834            


W* Ralfs 1832-1833            W* R* Randall 1832            Joseph Charles Reed 1861-1877            Edward Richardson 1859-1875            George Richardson 1832            Thomas Miles Richardson Snr 1832-1843            Thomas Miles Richardson Jnr 1832            Henry Parsons Riviere 1832-1849            Henry Benjamin Roberts 1868-1882            William Robertson 1833-1856            Thomas Sewell Robins 1839-1865            Francois Rochard 1832-1857            Simon James Rochard 1832            J* R* Rodd 1833            Philip Hutchins Rogers 1833            Thomas Charles Leeson Rowbotham 1849-1875        Arthur Rowe 1886-1898      Charles Runciman 1832-1833            


W* Sanders 1833-1834            John Sargeant 1834            G* R* Sargeant 1833-1834            G* S* Saunders 1833            George Scharf 1832-1836            Miss Sarah Setchell 1834-1856            George Shalders 1863-1873            George Sidney Shepherd 1832-1858            John Sherrin 1867-1882            W* Shoubridge 1832-1833            G* W* Shurry 1833-1834            Gustave Simonau 1859-1870            Charles Simpson 1833            William Simpson 1874-1882            G* Sims 1832-1840            Frederick John Skill 1872-1881            William Small 1871-1882            Edwin D* Smith 1832-1833            Mrs H* Clarendon Smith 1858-1877            Lionel Percy Smythe 1881-1882            William Spry 1833-1834            Charles John Staniland 1875-1882            Caleb Robert Stanley 1832-1833            Mantague Stanley 1833            James Stark 1832            Miss Fanny Steers 1846-1860            John T* Stein 1833-1834            Henry John Stock 1880-1882            Edward Stow 1832-1833            Thomas Sutcliffe 1857-1872            John Syer 1832-1882


Alfred Henry Taylor 1839-1850            J* Taylor 1834            William B* Sarsfield Taylor 1832            William Telbin 1839-1874            John F* Tennant 1833            Sir John Tenniel 1874-1882            Henry Theobald 1847-1851            William Lucas Thomas 1865-1882            Miss Elizabeth Thompson/Lady Butler 1875            John Thorpe 1834            Lt.-Col. Thwaites 1833            Henry F* Tidey 1858-1872            Francis William Topham 1842-1847            Frank William Warwick Topham 1880-1882            E* W* Trendall 1834


Thomas Uwins 1832            


Charles Vacher 1846-1882            Alfred Gomershall Vickers 1832-1834


J* Walker 1832-1834            Henry Walter 1833            W* L* Walton 1834            Charles Ward 1832-1834            Edward Matthew Ward RA 1878            George Raphael Ward 1834            Mrs George Raphael Ward 1834            John Ward 1832-1833            Thomas Charles Wageman 1832            Charles Warren 1833            Edmund George Warren 1853-1880            Henry Warren 1832-1872            William Wate 1832            Caroline Watson 1834            Frederick W* Watts 1832-1834            Henry Watts 1832            Edward Henry Wehnert 1833-1869            Charles Henry Weigall 1833-1876            Harrison Weir 1849-1869            Carl Werner 1860-1876            H* T* West 1833            E* Whittle 1834            Joseph Wood Whymper 1854-1882            James Wilcox 1834            H* Williams 1833            Henry Williams 1832-1833            J* M* Williams 1834            S* Williams 1834            Harry Willson 1832-1834            Thomas Walter Wilson 1877-1882            Edmund Morison Wimperis 1873-1882            * Windham 1833            Mrs Augusta Innes Withers 1832-1834            Joseph Wolf 1874-1880            Mrs Eleanora C* Wood 1832-1835            Lewis John Wood 1833-1882            Thomas Wood 1832-1834            J* Woolley 1834            Charles Woolnoth 1833-1834            Thomas Woolnoth 1833            William Wyld 1849-1882            


H* Young 1832            John Mallows Youngman 1834-1862        


George J* Zobel 1833-1834            X* Y* Z* 1833


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