Welcome to my Brain teasers page. I suggest that you first try and do the brain teasers on your own before you can check the answers.If you've got a brain teaser that you'd like to be added to my site please click here

A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
ANSWER:He'll choose the third room because Lions that haven't eaten in 3 years will obviously be?........DEAD

Take 3 apples from 5 apples and what do you have?

You've got a bucket in which there are five oranges.There are also five people in the room in which you are.
How can you give each of the five persons in the room an orange and still leave an orange in the bucket?

Using the numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9,and using only the + sign,make them total 100.

You and a group of friends are trapped,without any means of transport,at a waterhole im the middle of the Namib desert.
The nearest town is 6 days walk away,but each person can only carry enough food and water for 4 days.
It is clear,therefore, that one man cannot travel alone because his supplies will be exhausted before he gets to his destination.
You are selected to go and seek help.
How many people will it take to carry supplies to ensure that you reach the town safely and that your assistants get back to the waterhole?

Can you put one straight line across a clock face so that the numbers in each of the two parts add up to the same number?

A girl was born in summer,but now her birthday is during winter.
How could this happen?

A man lives on the 40th Floor of a 40 storey building in the city center.He works as a sales assistant in the city.
Everyday he goes to work early in the morning, he takes the lift from the 40th floor to the ground floor.When he returns from work in the evening, he takes the lift from the ground floor to the 35th floor, and then takes the stairs to the 40th floor.
Why does he not take the lift upto the 40th floor?

The answers will be coming your way soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have a brain teaser that you would like to feature on my site, you can submit it hereI will acknowledge you for your efforts


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