There’s Always Someone Better Looking Than You, So...

No teenage girl is completely satisfy with her looks. Most girls would change one or more features if they could, in the false belief that this change would make them popular with guys

The simply truth is, guys are intimidated by gorgeous girls, and it’s the prettiest girls who often have the most trouble meeting guys.

Guys are looking for a lot more than a face and a figure. They are searching for girls who are warm, charming, witty, adventurous, and friendly-girls who make them feel good about themselves. Therefore guys often fall in love with girls who are not as good-looking as they are.
Your personality is the you behind your looks. It’s the personality that shines through and cause you to appear either better-looking or worse-looking.

Once you dare to allow your unique personality to shine through, you’ll start attracting guys you never thought you could get. It’s not a mystery. People are looking for "soulmates.

How To Meet The Guy You Have Your Eye On

Smile! Guys love a friendly smile and appreciate it even if they’re not attracted to you. If you do smile, they will take notice of you, and, who knows? Anything can happen next.

Some guys appreciate it when a girl starts a conversation with them. Often they don’t know what to say and in addition they fear rejection. When a girl is the one to break the ice, it puts them at ease and makes them believe they have a chance of going out with her.

Guys love honest compliments and store them up in their minds-forever. When complimenting a guy, study him carefully and say something different about his looks or personality. He’ll think you’re intelligent for having noticed, and he’ll love you for making him feel good about himself.

Some girls act stuck up because they think if they show a guy that they like him, he will lose interest, but the opposite is true. Guys like girls who are warm, open, and friendly, and they feel rejected, angry, and offended when girls put on an act and behave in a cold manner. Nine times out of ten, if a girl plays hard to get, the guy will move on and no romance will take place.
Most guys prefer a natural look to lots of makeup, teased, and stiff hair, and overly seductive clothing. Take advantage of this fact and develop your own style of dress. Why cover up your natural beauty?

How To Keep A Guy Coming Back For More

Guys are inclined to be attracted to girls who are interested in their accomplishments and who are willing to listen to their problems with an understanding ear.

Girls with a sense of humor keep guys coming back for more because they are unpredictable and exciting.

In order to form a strong bond with a guy, talk about your mutual values. However, be warned, this discovery can also drive you farther apart. If this happens, it’s probably for the best.

Participate in a variety of activity together-things he likes things you like, and things neither of you have ever done before. Keep the relationship fun and exciting.

Falling In Love...And Falling Out

Romantic love is the powerful combination of physical and spiritual affection. Both girls and guys fell "out of their senses" when they fall in love.

Romantic love is not "infatuation" or "puppy love". It’s very real. The question is, will it grow and deepen or will it fade?

People "fall out of love" for many reasons. They discover that they don’t share each other’s interests, values, and goals; they find that their personalities are incompatible; they find that they do not accept each other for what they are, and so.

Falling out of love is the most normal thing in the world, especially in the teen years when you are first discovering what you really like, value, and respect in another person.

If your boyfriend falls out of love with you, you may at first feel abandoned, sad, and confused, and you may wonder what’s wrong with you that you weren’t able to hold on to him. Once you analyze the situation, however, you’ll stop blaming yourself and realize that your lost love has nothing to do with your being a lovable person. You may also feel angry, and be tempted to seek revenge. These feelings are normal, but when you come to think of it, you’ll probably decide to handle the situation with dignity.

If you fall out of love with your boyfriend and want to break up, let him down gently. What you do and say to a guy may affect his relationships with women for the rest of his life.

How Sex Changes A Relationship

Girls and guys often have very different feelings the day after the first time they’ve had sex. Girls often have mixed emotions-at best. Guys are usually unreservedly happy.

Couples often break up soon after having sex-for a variety of reasons.

When a relationship ends after sex has become a part of it, girls often feel angry, disappointed, guilty, rejected, depressed, or regretful. Not so with most guys.

One thing that girls and guys agree on is that once sex enters a relationship, things change. The relationship becomes much more intense and "serious". This in itself can lead to a breakup.

Teenage girls and guys both advise that it’s a good idea to think more than twice before entering a sexual relationship (although you won’t hear that from a guy in the heat of the moment.)

Teenage girls agree that it is possible to refrain from having sex with future boyfriends-even if you've already had sex with former boyfriends.

I’m from the "old school" when it comes to virginity. What ever happened to making out? Many teenage girls also advise virginity until marriage, but some suggest a "minimum age for sexual relationship," such as eighteen or twenty-one

Friends...And Your Boyfriends

It’s natural to spend less time with your friends when you have a boyfriend, but don’t neglect them, completely. Although boyfriends have a special place in your life, they’re no substitute for friends, who are likely to be around long after boyfriend is gone-if you treat them right. Guys are flattered when girls neglect their friends for them, but at the same time, they feel threatened by this behavior. They respect and appreciate a girl who maintains her friendship while going out with them. In fact, showing a certain amount of independence usually enhance the relationship because, when guys know that they can’t have all of your time, they value the time you do spend with them more highly.
Male friends hold a very special place in a girl’s life, but when they chemistry is too strong, it’s a good idea to bring things out in the open rather then avoid the issue.

If you are falling in love with your best friend’s boyfriend, the best thing to do is cut it off cold. There’s no law that says you have to act on every feeling. If you resist the temptation, you’ll feel better about yourself later. In the long run, self-esteem is more important than immediate gratification.

Don’t go out with a close friend’s ex-boyfriend until you’ve discussed the situation openly with her and explored her feelings.
Boyfriends come and go, but friendships last forever.

Don’t Play Hard To Get, Be Hard To Get

When a girl calls a guy too often, most guys begin to resent the girl and/or become bored with the relationship. In general, it’s better to let him do the calling. Guys like to think they’re the ones who catch the girls-not vice versa. So, let him think he’s doing the chasing, even if you’re active behind the scenes.

If a guy tells you he’ll call, it isn’t a good idea to wait by the telephone. Go on about your business. Believe it or not, he will call back if you’re not there. Why wouldn’t he? After all, he was interested enough to make the effort in the first place. In addition, if he doesn’t, so what? There will be plenty of others.

It isn’t a good idea to demand that your boyfriend for sake his friends and spend every weekend night with you. In fact, you should regularly do things with other people. Make yourself scarce.

Guys don’t respect girls who are "always available" and who jump every time they snap their fingers. In short, guys value girls who have a mind and a life of their own.

Both girls and guys advise that girls hold back when it comes to speaking out on feelings in the beginning of a relationship. Saying too much, too soon, can ruin everything.

The best way to play hard to get is to place a high value on you and actually be hard to get. If you do that, it’s inevitable that guys will think of their time with you as something to be treasured.

What To Do About Cheating

There are different definitions of cheating-depending on who is giving the definition.

Most teenage girls and guys "cheat" on each other occasionally, and most don’t think it’s wrong under certain circumstances.

Some teenagers feel that there is no excuse for cheating and that if you want to see others, you should agree at the outset to an open relationship. Others feel that unless you’re married, you’re free to do anything you want, and you don’t have to tell your partner (but that it’s wise to make sure the two you’re seeing live far apart).

Most teenagers couldn’t cope with the idea of their boyfriend or girlfriend seeing others, yet they want to see others if they feel like it. In other words, they want to "cheat" but not give their partner the same privilege. Most teenagers would listen to reason if they found out their boyfriend or girlfriend were cheating.

In my opinion, it’s okay not to tell your partner when you go out with someone else every once in a while. However, if you begin seeing that other person often, or start having deep feelings for him, it’s time to decide between the two-otherwise you’ll feel as if you are deceiving at least one of them, and you’ll feel guilty.

When He’s Not Worth Keeping

The following fellows are not worth keeping:
bossy, jealous, controlling guys

guys who lie all the time

guys who do drugs

guys who are always too busy to see you or who are "geographically undesirable"

guys who are engaged in illegal activities
Guys who raise a hand to you-no matter what the reason. There’s no good reason

guys who try to make you lose sight of your goals

guys who are "out of one thing only"

guys who are constantly putting you down

guys who are continually arguing with you

1.If your boyfriend broke up with you, realize that no matter how much you love him, or how much it hurts, he’s not worth keeping, because if he doesn’t love you, you’re dancing without a partner, and that’s no fun.

2.The higher your self-esteem, the more likely you are to form positive, nourishing relationships, so continue to pursue your goals and work on knowing and loving who you are. That person will someday attract a man who values you and is worthy to you.

Be on time. Unpunctuality is a fault with "no" redeeming features. However, if your date is late, don't let it spoil the evening -- remain pleasant.

Wear something that makes you feel pretty -- an outfit that's proved itself, with comfortable shoes.

Tell yourself you're not nervous, just excited.

Read a newspaper or watch a news program that day so you will have something to talk about and sound as if you know what is happening in the world.

If you can begin with the exchange of warm relaxed smiles, you have a lot going for you.

Be open -- to him, his plans and the shape the evening takes.

Use every opportunity to be observant, sensitive, perceptive and appreciative of what your date does or may have done.

If something embarrassing happens, "confess" so that you can both laugh about it.

Avoid arguing over things that won't cause either of you to lose a limb. In other words, chill.

Don't look for a fight. Debate topics, don't argue them.

If you are having a good time, let him know it.

Call him because you have just heard something that he would love to know about, a joke on a favorite subject, or a piece of new relating to one of his hereos. He will feel that you two are really on the same team, and it will encourage him to think of you when "he" has news he wants to share with someone.

Be busy. Projects of your own make for much more interesting discussion than last night's TV program.

Caring about each other more than pretty victories is the essence of positive loving. Equality is not measured by a single act.