<BGSOUND src="//play.rbn.com/?bvig/hollywoodrecords/demand/jenniferpaige/08.rm">

(The song playing is Let It Rain by Jennifer Paige.  This is the song that Nick and Sharon made love to on June 28, 1999.)

Matt Clark wrote this letter to Nick:

Dear Nick,

I've found out something I think you need to know. Sharon Collins, your girlfriend, is not what she seems. She's got you believing she is so sweet and pure. Unfortunately, that is a total lie.  She's no innocent virgin. The fact is, she's been sleeping around for years. I'm sure this isn't easy for you to hear, but believ it. It's the truth. Not only has she been sleeping around, she even had a child when she was living in Madison. The father is a guy named Frank Barritt, and if you want to check this out, you can call him there at (608) 555-0506. Nick, I know this news must hurt you and I'm sorry for that. But I just couldn't sit and watch you played for a fool.
Good Luck

A Friend

Sharon wrote this letter to Nick in prison:

My Dearest Nicholas,

The days pass by so slowly. I miss you more than I thought it was possible to miss anyone. How long will you go on to betray me like this, refusing to let me see you, talk to you. You must know by now how much I love you. I know your trying to protest me and I love you for that, but I don't want your protection, only your love. Being without you is killing me. Do you expect me to go on withouy you? I can't. You are my life Nicholas. We made a commitment, a life long commitment. You can decide to let me go-but you can't make me walk away. That decision is up to me, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you Nicholas, always. When the truth comes out and you are set free, we'll be together again for the rest of our lives. Meanwhile, you need someone to help you Nicholas, let that person be me. Let me be your lifeline. I love you, I will never stop loving you.

With all my heart,


Nick wrote this letter back to Sharon from prison:

Dear Sharon,

I got your letter. I hope someday someone besides me will see the words you write. So much I want to say to you - getting mail in here means more than you can possibly know and a letter from you is even more special. I miss my family, I miss everyone. God knows I miss my freedom - most of all I miss you, so much it hurts. But you've got to realize that nothing has changed for me, for us. You are only hurting yourself more by hanging on this way. I don't know how I can make you understand what my life is like now. The truth is I have no life. But I thought it over and if you feel it will bring you some kind of comfort to see me in this hell hole while trying to survive, then come. It makes me sick the tought of you seeing me like this. But if it's something you feel you have to do - I won't fight to keep you away any longer. Just prepare yourself for a shock, believe me you've never been in a place like this.

All My Love,


Sharon's letter she left for Nick:

Dear Nicholas,

I don't like what's happening between us right now. More and more you seem upset with me. I don't know what's going on or how to fix it. So I'm taking Noah and Cassie and going away for a while. Maybe some time apart will do us good. I tried to call Tony and let him know but I couldn't reach him. So please call him and tell him Cassie is with me and we'll be fine. I'm sorry for anything I have done to upset you.
