Ok, so we're going back to black. I think black backgrounds are simply easier on the eye.

Possible Causes of Heartbreak...

~ Well, first of all, and most obviously there are boys. They are the most common thing that causes us poor poor little lost souls to be heartbroken. They are evil mean and nasty and personally I plan to stay away from them. Sadly i couldnt interest myself in girls so i guess i will be celibate for the rest of my life. Boys do a lot of things to break our hearts, and most commonly they leave us. Like the person did who broke my heart. I still can't believe he just decided he wanted to be single *grumbles* afterall i was an excellent gf *sniff*

~ Then there is the heartbreak of loosing a family member, which can be v. bad, loosing a pet, which is also bad, loosing a friend etc.

So you see, heartbreak is all about loosing something that is very important to you.
Now if this something that you lose is very important to you, the pain increases. If you lose something that was pretty much your everything, well, you're screwed basically. I am, was, will be for a long time.
The think is however, that after some time goes by, you start to forget the pain anguish etc. or at least so it seems. The smallest reminder can from thereon provoke a intense feeling f loneliness, sadness etc.