Ways to avoid Heartbreak

~ Stay away from boys
~ If you like boys as much as me, go out with them, dont trust them, dont get attached
~ Dump them before u start likeing them too much
~ Pretend they hurt you, then hate them
~ Use them, Then lose them
~ You could turn Celibate, but it's not a lot of fun
~ Lesbianism?
~ Go out with a really fat ugly pathetic looser who is too emotionally weak to ever dump you
~ Ignore it. It never happened. You never went out, you didnt get dumped. Ignorance reall is bliss.
~ Make him cheat, then abuse him so long til you feel better
~ Refuse to be dumped. Just say no.

These ways may or may not work, but i have found them as very useful over the past few years, altho the ignorance is bliss concept only works for a while, it'll come back sooner or later and hit u even harder.
Also, these are all just suggestions, which were not all tried and proven, ony a few.