Ways to avoid Love full stop.

~ Love yourself so much that there is simply no place for any other love in your life apart from yourself.

~ Love everything you do with a sickening passion, apart from love

~ Pretend that Love just isnt something you do. It's sweet and all, but you just arent the lovey type of person

~ Become a recluse. Buy yourself a Dog called Dr. Who and only spak to him and no one else.

~Pour all the love you posess in your tiny little heart into hating love. hating love will be your passion. you will love to hate love

~ If any guy ever becomes interested, tell him you have a cold sore fetish and like to kiss people that have them.

~ If any guy decides he likes you, make sure to point out all your worst and weirdest traits. Possibly pick your nise whilst you do so.

~ Write a letter to love telling it that you hate it.

~ Be a career person. There is no place for love when you love your job.