Ok then, these are my lovely siblings
This is my sister, Rina (catharina) she is the oddest thing since..umm..britney. shes really cute and so stupid its cute. but shes academically clever. She loves Pharrell Williams, and she 'pretends' to know how to do his 'dances' but really she looks like she's havin a fit. if u ever see her, ask her to do the 'moonwalk'. and i like to 'pat' her head...its so cute cuz she acts like its painful. and what makes it all even more precious, shes a townie who's slowly turning into a punk rock chick..hehe..she doesnt know yet but shes morphing into me
This is my ever so great legend of a brother, Kenny.he#s ever so precious, and he always gets stuff for me if i ask him too. Unlike rina, he's pure sweetness at time, mostly actually. So, he's 9 years old, really small but incredibly strong. and he's sooo hugable. i think i traumatised him tho cuz i always hug him and kiss him on the cheeks. hehe, its so great.
this is my oldest sister, Maja.
shes obsessed with HIM and worships mige's left leg.We get on really well most of the time, and when we do fall out its mostly over stupid things and we're back to normal in not time..
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