Why love sucks...
and believe me, it does.

This was really just going to be a quick reminder about why love sucks and why it is so incredibly vital that you do stay away from it. I promise you it will ruin your life. Yes sure you might be happy for a while, things will seem perfect and all that, but eventually it will happen, someone will break your heart.
I mean seriously, I'm not even joking. It will break your heart and you will want to die. This is no exaggeration, and it only gets worse. Whoever says that it gets better with time, it doesnt. seriously. So just for once, just thive very once take my word for it,do not go out and give it a try, JUST SAY NO!

So, let's look at the bright side of things:
~you're in love
~you feel happy
~you feel like you can fly
~that one person means the world to you
~the other person loves you
~you love yourself
~everything bad that happens only seems half as bad
~you always have someone whos there for you
~ you know that no matter what, this person will love you

now, let's look at what happens when 'so said' person leaves you
~you're lonely
~you feel depressed
~you feel like you want to die
~the person who means the world to you has just taken everything from you, thereby making your whole world fall apart
~The other person hates you or doesnt love you anymore
~you hate yourself
~ you're all alone because no one knows how you feel
~ bad things that happen just seem a million times worse

If you had stayed single, you would still be:
~satisfied with yourself
~your world would be intact
~your hearts would be in your chest, not on the floor, shattered and scattered around the room
~you wouldn't lie awake each night crying til you were so exhausted you cant cry anymore
~the words 'why' and 'what if' wouldnt be the cruellest words ever invented
~you could smile even when you saw a happy couple

So, i believe i have made my point. love sucks ass.

So i would just like to stress this again. Love is a very,very bad hobby to undrtake. I mean, go skateboarding, play football, take drugs....they will all hurt you but none will hurt you as bad as love. Unless you overdose on Cocaine...altho then you would probs be dead, and still better off than if you were heartbroken.