Here you will find the rules for the Hacienda in general.  Its a place of role play, discovery, deviance, desire and intrigue.  We would like to invite you to take a look at our message boards as well.  You'll find more information there to help you on your characters journey.

Please use common sense.  If you know a character concept would not be in applicable in Port del Llanca/The Hacienda,  then expect to deal with the consequences of such roleplay.  This includes magic, demons, mythical creatures and so on.  People maybe have believed in them, but please dont roleplay them.

-We are a Kill by Members Only Room.-

Everyone from the room owner to the newest member will follow the rules of CC.  This is not a topic of discussion.-

-Anyone who is,  claims to be  or is found out to be under 18 will be banned and booted.
No exceptionsHacienda De las Rosas is for ADULTS only.-
-While we do recognize we are all the sum of our real and fantasy lives, please try to leave real life at the door as this is an escape from it.  Please inform us up front of real time commitments or limits that may come up as your character lives/grows within the Hacienda. 

-We do recognize that within the lives of characters that  relationships, children and so on do happen.  With that in mind, children maybe npc'd within Port del Llanca  BUT not within The Hacienda.
With that in mind, here are the road signs for your journey.
Your entrance into this room gives your consent to the non-consensual play within. The Hacienda can have many different activities going on at one time from discussion to action.  You may not agree with or enjoy some of the activities that can/do go on here.  What we strive for is a safe environment for open mindedness and exploration.  Everyone started out new at one time, and many will grow and change as they live here, please be tolerant.  Hacienda del las Rosas/Port del Llanca are  in Spain during the time frame of the Spanish wars of succession.  If intense situations/storylines disturb you, then we may not be the room for you.

If you come from another realm, we ask you to choose between the following two options:

-Sever all ties to your previous home and adjust your character to the time frame of the Hacienda.
-Create a completely new character.  We require
NO character crossing.  What happens here, stays here.

NPC's  within The Hacienda are used to maintain peace, break up fights and so on.  There are no combat rules here because that kind of drama isn't needed, so leave your weapons at the plaza entrance

Within Port del Llanca, there are also no combat rules but it is not to be a blood bath either.   Please refer to the rules for the Port for futher clarification.  If in doubt, see Rivan.
1 character per person please  there is no need for more than one "face."

t is up to you, as a role player, to pay attention to the descriptions given within the RP.  Some of the residents here have story lines that include marriage, relationships, indentured servitude, mating, and so on that may not be in their tags.  If you're unsure if the person you're playing with is able to go along with a certain stream of RP,  please discuss it with your partner to make sure things are clarified.

If you're a man or woman physically r/t then that is what you are in this home v/t. No exceptions.

OOC should be kept to a respectable minimal. The core members are  always willing to listen to comments, complaints, concerns or suggestions.  We do ask that if you have an issue with a particular person that you try to work it out amongst yourselves first.  We are always willing to help you in anyway we can in balance to our own role play aspirations.

Please don't abuse the privilege of having the PM function. Its in place to help keep OOC down.  At times it is a valued component to role play as well.  However, what we don't want is people sitting in PM to do their sexual roleplay and or talking about other people's rp.   That 's not what this room is for.  If the PM function is found to be abused, it can be removed.

Please adhere to the Location Pulldowns and travel realistically
If you are not in the same locational pulldown as someone else, then that other person's roleplay will not be known by you.  You are directly aware of only what is being done within the pulldown that you are participating in at that given moment.

Please feel free to make use of the avatar model registry.  Post the name of the model, if a real person, in your avatars. The model will be added to the list. This will keep people from crossing avatar models in the room and prevent someone from feeling as if another is trying to 'clone' them.

There are no slaves/vassals/chattel here. At this point in history, those types of designations were outlawed in every major country in Europe.   However, the concept of indentured servitude was very prevailent.  There is a page created for the explaination of indentured servitude.   Please peruse it to familierize yourself with its definition, consiquences, terms and so on.

There is a section on the message board for Storyline suggestions for room-wide storylines.
These suggestions are regularly reviewed so please have up-to-date contact info available so questions can be asked or to let you know if its a go.

Every resident  has the choice to spend time just roleplaying as a story teller and not their character.  We ask that there be no more than 1 person story telling at any given time.  Story telling can be very imaginative but will not be allowed to directly cause the death of established characters.  It wont be used to get your personal vendettas out without the consiquences to your character.  In short be an adult.  If it gets out of hand, this too can be removed.

Here are the requirements for your character bio submission:

Place of Living:
Indentured Servant/s: