Rules Within The Port
1)  In the world outside the Hacienda, in this time period, slavery has been outlawed. Slaves leaving the Hacienda will have to be accompanied by a Free, and have their collars removed. Residents of the Hacienda cannot collar while not on the grounds of the Hacienda, though if pursuing property of the Hacienda, its conceivable to say that they are indentured servants. So if any slaves are considering escaping, you'd better be pretty imaginative. just running to the port and shouting out "they kept me as a slave" is NOT going to work. Many of the administrators of the port are corrupt, and Seamus has a way of greasing palms with silver to keep the Hacienda's activities ...discrete. Few are going to risk the graft they get for a slave.

2)  Thats not to say you can't possibly be captured or forcibly restrained while in the Port. Just escaping the Hacienda is by no means a sure fire way to escape your slavery.  Keep in mind while slavery in this time frame is outlawed, the idea of indentured servitude was still very much in force, and when you get right down to it,  there's not THAT much difference between a slave and an indentured servant.  Also, this is a port town and there is pending war as well as minor skirmishes going on nearly all the time.  People in taverns or on the waterfront could conceivably find themselves pressed into service in the navy.  Press gangs do exist and their methods are notoriously brutal.  A sharp rap to the head with a belaying pin, or a couple of rum drinks, and you could find yourself waking up on a ship out at sea.  Sailors are a randy lot, so even the ladies might find themselves as ..entertainment ...for men away from the comforts of home and brothel.

3)  While the port is largely kept under the rule of law, the criminal underworld is extremely strong here. Pirates, theives, cutthroats, whores,and assassins walk down the streets regularly. Inevitably, disagreements are going to result, and people are going to try to kill, hurt or maim each other. Let me point this out here and now: This is NOT Gor.  This is a roleplay room for advanced roleplayers. I'm not going to waste time with combat systems here be it prodigy, or any of the other useless systems I find scattered over various web sites. Work it out between yourselves what happens, and if you can't agree script it and post it to the message boards and Seamus will look it over. His word is final. No appeals.  If he says your dead then your dead.