<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/nightstorm2004/wonderfultonight.midi.mid">
House/Apartment Blessing:  (coven orientated)

This is an example of a house blessing.  It was written for two of the Kindred Spirits Family members, a group I used to belong to.  You can adjust this to fit your needs.
I always started with a prayer, in  my mind it helped to focus on the reason we were there and give folks the chance to change from the mundane to the magickal.  The coven should gift the new home owner/s with a wreath.  The High Priest/ess can  bless the wreath either ahead of time or at the gathering.

Prayer for a Happy Home:
We gather here today, under this roof of new beginnings,
We call upon the Ancient Ones, to bring blessings to our members.
Each day we draw a breath is a gift and a chance,
A newly painted picture awaiting completion.
As ___________and ______________have joined their lives together,
We pray for them that each day brings new and exciting moments.
Time stands still for no one and it's a commodity of which there is no exchange,
We bless them here tonight, with our love and goodwill for them.
May this home they they are building together be as strong as Our Mother Earth,
May their shelter be found in the arms of love.
May their troubles blow away on the winds of the east,
To be visited upon them no more.
May their tears wash away their sorrows,
To be carried to the oceans of the west - to alternately become happiness.
May bliss rain down upon them.
May their love and determination to make a life together,
Burn as brightly as the Eternal Fires of the south.
May they have all the blessings of the Ancient Ones, for they are children of the God and Goddess,
And in so much are blessed with all the precious gifts life has to offer.
May they be blessed with good friends and a loving family
As they take these baby steps towards joining their lives.
In a place where two become one,
May their powers be joined to make them stronger each day.
May they awaken each day and rest each night,
Nestled in the comfort of each other.
We ask all this for them and more as each day brings them closer.
As the circle of this wreath is never ending, so shall be their love for each other.
This is our aspiration for them,
May it be granted in love with blessings from the Ancient Ones.

House Blessings:

You will need sea salt and incense such as lilac, lavender or rose.  As you go from room to room sprinkle the sea salt and trace a pentagram in the air with the incense.

Cast the circle and call the Quarters.

We gather here tonight to bless the house/apartment of our members _________and__________.
As we are welcomed into their home we come together to offer our blessings.
We call upon Vesta - Goddess of the Fire; Goddess of home and hearth to attend us this night.

We bless this entryway the place where family and friends are greeted,
May only love enter this door, peace and protection granted.

We bless this kitchen the hearth fire of the home, source of nourishment,
May this become a source of nourishment not only to our bodies but our souls as well.

We bless this living area the gathering place of the home,
May this be a place of conversation that enrichs us, helps us grow in faith and satisfys our intellect.

We bless this washroom the place of power of the west and water,
May it be a place of purification; sorrows, fears, angers and disappointments washed away.

We bless this sleeping space the place of rest and rejuvenation,
May this a be a place of peaceful sleep and an awakening each day to love and joy.

{This was a one bedroom apartment so if you have need to add more rooms consider the purpose of the room, the person/s owning the room and the end result of what you want from that room}
As we all now gather back in the living area let us all join hands, close your eyes and imagine drawing the energy of the white light into this home.  Visualize the white light coming in all the windows until the whole space is filled with it.  Picture only peace, love and joy entering this house/apartment as we offer our combined protection from any negative energy entering this space now and in the future.
Each member will now be asked to fill out a card with heartfelt wish for the homeowner/s to look back on in times of strife.  They can be kept by the owners or hung on a tree in the space.

                                                       Night Storm (2004)

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