
I use Knoppix at school, and the CD isn’t bad. On their website,, the ISO (or Nero Image) will be a 740 MB Download. I just recently received it from my teacher. The software is open source so I’m not braking laws by using it.


The OS Boots from CD. Will read any CD-Rom Drive. No partitioning needed. One thing that might prevent the CD from running is if your RAID setting is on. This prevents your harddrive to be automatically detected.

The Joy of KDE.

KDE, Gnome what’s the difference? So small you can hardly tell any difference. Knoppix 3.3 uses a build of KDE 3.1.4. This is what I use in Linux. All the programs up-to-date. It’s nice to have standard programs like XMMS, Mozilla, KWord, Open Office, GIMP, Mplayer, games and Konquerer. It’s all there. What changed is maybe the wallpaper.

Is this Deblin? I hear off the webpage that Knoppix is based off the Deblin Linux. A stable form of Linux. The plug and play feature works well. Hook up thumb drives and they’ll show on the Desktop after a minute.


Yes, you can run Windows programs on Knoppix. It comes with Wine. But Wine may crash on slower machines. This operating system was meant for 800 MHz or better CPU. Linux is backwards capable with Windows.


All the commands are the same as they were in Redhat. The commands come preloaded when the CD boots KDE for the first time.  The MAN is off the CD. The driver support is okay. I haven’t had a problem with it yet.


Linux on the go? This is the perfect solution.


Reviewed by Ian Campbell