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Welcome to Nightwish Stables, a tiniquines site run by Shinigami, more commonly known as Shini. The tiniquines found here are generally inspired by a love for the music produced by the band Nightwish.

Stallions: 26 | Mares: 34 | Geldings: 2 | Foals: 3 | Total: 65

Current Information
Six tiniquines have left Nightwish to find a new home at Serenity Stables with my friend Firefly. Let's hope they get a chance to do more than just sit around and do nothing while they're there!

A new stallion joins the herds, bringing with him some absolutely lovely genetics and attitude! Also, I gave in to my OCD, and all tiniquines should be sorted by generation. Please tell me if I've made a mistake anywhere!
Stallions: Thanatos

Gloam and Uriel have been graduated up to live with the adults, and Emily has brought in a foal that looks like she came out of a coffee shop. Later in the day, Desdemona has presented us with a surprise filly!
Stallions: Gloam
Mares: Uriel
Foals: Kahlua, Leanne

The site is finally updated, and Nightwish welcomes six new tiniquines, including a filly who doesn't officially exist until the 16th! Shhhh...
Stallions: Christabel, Cian, Belenus
Mares: Bethany, Deni
Foals: Jaunt

After the wild adventure of Tiffany's round-up, I've brought home five gorgeous new tiniquines to join the stable, including one particularly special girl!
Stallions: Bodkin
Mares: Lyrist, Siren, Nox, Amaranth

Updated my Policies and Sales pages. Also, brought in a fishy-girl!
Mares: Avari

Another beautiful little foal has come to Nightwish. Welcome Malaika's first baby! And I found another lost little TQ, continuing the slow-growing collection of brindles!
Mares: Ginni
Foals: Uriel

Took care of updating some show records that needed to be updated, and I think I'm up to date on everything. I think. Also! In the process of that updating, I found a mare that I won as a prize in a show, and Jenn was kind enough to remind me of her information. From the depths of the internet, she returns to the game! Also, I bought a pretty little mare from Nyx, who is cementing my love of brindles.
Mares: Godiva, Pucker

Welcome Yendi and Arc's brand new baby boy into the world! Also, a new sexy stallion has arrived to get cozy with the ladies.
Stallions: Traveller
Foals: Gloam

Got my stables all updated. And welcome to our new mare, brought to Nightwish from the wild Tiniquine island! Hopefully she'll find this new place to be a good home.
Mares: Saraha

Several more of the dear residents of Nightwish are leaving to go off to new homes. As soon as their new owners have them paged, they'll be taken from their respective stables and bid a fond farewell. Goodbye to Derek, Cynical, Zero, Ditz, Meissa, Obeah, and Ai. On the other hand, there's also a new resident, come to fill some of that small gap in the lives of the tiniquines.
Mares: Stella

Welcome back, Malice! And say farewell to Warning, who's headed off for a new home with someone who will appreciate his gorgeous coloring. Also! A miniature herd of newly-grown tiniquines has been released into the pastures!
Stallions: Aristo, Flip, Patch, Wander
Mares: Malice, Yatin, Ahilya, Ditz

The site has been updated! Stallions and Mares pages have been minorly revamped and re-organized. Also, we welcome quite a few new members of the herd into the mix!
Stallions: Illume, Blue, Ialu, Zebach, Taksaka, Abaddon, Warning, Jazz
Mares: Malaika, Moriah, Arc, Mel, Rose, Story, Meissa
Foals: Yatin, Aristo, Patch, Wander, Ahilya

[1.31.09] I...think I have things up to date now? Of course, with my luck it just means that Raven's going to get my payment for the commission any day now and post the results, and then I'll have to add those. *grin* Not that I'm complaining.
Foals: Flip and Ditz

[1.13.09] Sending Malice off to stay with Jenn for a while so she can use her for a breeding. Since I'm too lazy to try and figure out all of the complicated HTML that would involve removing her from the slot she's currently in in the stables and then moving her up, I'm simply going to remove the link from her name and cross it out. *cough*

[1.9.09] Okay, working on getting everything updated. Slowly. *sighs* I'm currently missing FrontPage, so I'm trying to work it all through the Geocities FileManager.

[1.2.09] I'm baaaaack! I've re-joined the Tiniquine Revival, and so I'll need to be doing some work on my computer in order to properly get my site up to date and going. *is thrilled*

[5.7.07] Finally got around to updating my site and tiniquines. Grew up Shindig, added the two foals I've since gotten, and added my pretty Easter girl.
Stallions: Shindig
Mares (Foals): Desdemona, Empyrean, Bogie

[4.7.07] Sent Dace off to his new home with Nyx and got a birthday present from Jenn.
Mares: Malice

[4.1.07] Sent Demon off to her new home with Gen, and grew Windigo up!

[3.24.07] Emily and Trip had a beautiful baby boy! Also, got an unbirthday present from Jenn.
Mares (Foals): Shindig, Dream

[3.20.07] Sold Skittles to Gen. My first sale! *tear*

[3.19.07] GOT ALL OF MY COMMISHES! And another dragonwinged baby from Raven. ^_^
Stallions: Cynical, Rite, Merc, Swinger, Trip, Derek, Bubzee, Skittles
Mares: Obeah, Eti�inen, Emily, Discern, Talutah, Abyss, Classy
Geldings: Eomer
I have yet another commish, Skittles, who will be going to Gen.

[3.15.07] Recieved a sexay, sexay present from Gen.
Stallions: Nightshade

[3.14.07] Yay! Got a tiniquine I've been eyeing since I joined. ^_^
Mares: Ritual

[3.13.07] Couldn't help myself. Want to see the pretty blue. Bought a mare from Tigs.
Mares: Eclipse

[3.5.07] Bought a beautiful dapple grey from Arielle's March Tiniquine Sale.
Mares: Cawti

[2.28.07] Won Valerian in the HoG + GS March Savenger Hunt, and uploaded her.
Mares: Valerian

[2.26.07] Bought a beautiful boy from the Omega sale! Also, got Dace's genetics and grew him up.
Stallions: Styx and Dace

[2.24.07] Updated my Mares page, as I have a sweetheart on loan from Jenn. Well, maybe not a sweetheart. She's more of a demon...
Mares: Demon

[2.19.07] Updated my Stallions page again, because Gen is a wonderful person and gave me pretty babies.
Stallions: Alkali and Specter

[2.18.07] I've been accepted, yay! I've uploaded the various pages with tiniquines I've gotten/bought.
Stallions: Yendi
Mares: Nami and Dace (Nami's foal)
Geldings: El Coche

All art, information, concepts, and images of tiniquines are copyright Raven Shadowflight. Theft in any way, shape, or form will not be accepted.