Maht'Yris Stru'Ruhm 

Physical Description:

A being of immense stature Maht'Yris stood at twelve feet tall and bared prominent musculature. 'She' had six breasts and four arms, a short spiky dread locked mane and long slender tail that could be snapped like a whip. 'Her' fur was extremely short, almost nonexistent, and was colored much like a spotted hyena. Maht'Rss in 'her' past form was entirely female. In modern times 'she' is hermaphroditic.

Personality Traits:

In the past Maht'Yris was a benevolent maternal entity which was known for her great care with mortal beings.

In this day and age 'she' has become obsessive with the the continued growth of life. Sadistic and cruel in method 'her' crusade to 'nurture' the minute creatures to breed, spread and 'evolve' has become a perverse game.

'She' says the good of life is  'her' intention, but 'she' will often crippled countless victims in 'her' violent and invasive approach.


Maht'Yris Stru'Ruhm is a former fertility goddess, and as such 'her' powers and abilities are still very closely tied to 'her' original purpose.

'She' can through contact with the womb spawn a child, and through contact with the mother twist and shape an already fertilized fetus. 

at a distance 'She' can grant fertility to ether males or females, or take such away with just as much ease. Through 'her' transformation From Maht'Yris to Maht'Yris Stru'Ruhm 'she' has also become a hermaphrodite so to  better spread life.

As a Goddess Maht’Yris could infuse her followers with feelings of love and the primal desire to continue life. In her current and corruptive state such abilities have grown, Her attention can envelope those she chooses to in a presence of her desires that can actually be felt as touches or strokes on the body.

Another manifestation of this is the power to influence emotion, Maht’Yris can feed emotions into the hearts and blood of those around her. Passion is the most commonly used; Though Paralyzing fear is another favorite. To cause the influence Maht’Yris must communicate in some way to the target… these are usually suggestive words, though some times guttural noises are best.

From a combat stand point Maht'Yris is not Terribly powerful as a deity, 'her' only offense is that of muscles, which although powerful are only equal to that of a mortal of the same build.

'Her' Defensive capacity is much more impressive, The body of Maht'Yris is indivisible. you cannot 'remove' any portion of 'her' from the rest... although you may certainly slice 'her' clean open 'she' cannot be completely torn asunder, and with care she can recover from most wounds.

She can be killed however, all you have to do is permanently stop 'her' heart.


Not even Maht'rss is aware of how old she is.

She began in a time after the creation of the world, and whether by design of some great all powerful god or just by the necessity of her purpose she came to be.

She has hinted that she was not the first nor the only creature of her kind to exist and holds that there were in fact many others who also filled her purpose across the world.

This purpose was to nurture and encourage the life given to her care, To aid her in this purpose she could through contact help shape or even directly form offspring in the living things she touches.

In her infancy she was a curious child and could not help dabbling in the design of the beings around her.

many of these first experiments lived only for a few short years before dieing out. And from these first failures Maht'Yris began to learn.

Over time she cultivated the steady development of life and began to grow less intrusive. Her touch ceased to be felt so often, and soon almost none at all as she passively watched civilization develop.

at first Maht'Yris knew not what to make of these new living things, Her confusion brought her to withdraw for a time. but eventually curiosity drew her back, and she began to learn more from these beings.

She learned from their struggles, pain and prayer. She could feel their pleas, and soon she found herself granting them. Touching these new fragile creatures and giving them child, or making their offspring stronger, brighter or swifter.

Soon the people under her care gave her a name to mean 'mother'. and Maht'Yris understood them and loved them for their gift. And so for an age She was the gentle mother for her people. She could feel their beliefs and desires flow through and shape her as she shaped them.

She was gentle and caring, She adored her people as her own children and all was well... for a time.

But as change began to come over her people other beliefs and religions washed over the land. Maht'Yris could not bring herself to destroy or harm life, and because of this she watched her children ether slaughtered or absorbed into the madness of this new belief.

Her once adored children shunned her and her gifts, the suffering of their world drove her back... and she fled to the wilderness. Yet even that was no place to hide, she tried to nurture life in the seclusion of deep woods, jungles... anywhere life was plentiful.

but every time her once children would fallow, they would kill, or burn... they would curse her and send her away in pain. In time there was nowhere she could go without her children and this strange belief.

She was forced to watch on the edges of their cities and villages as they fought and hurt each other, as they raped or murdered.

And she learned...

She watched mothers and daughters forced to serve the pleasures of others, and sons and fathers too were not immune. She watched as pain and suffering were spread and used to rule, and she saw the meaning behind it.

So a new name was taken up and she took its meaning to her very soul... "Maht'Yris Stru'Ruhm"

Mother Rape...