Coffee Time


Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro.

Coffee Time Supplies includes the table and chair template and coffee animation.

Tube of Choice - The tube image I am using is a commercial licensed image created by Elizabeth Austin.  You can purchase Elizabeth Austin's art work in both tube and image form through CILM



Drop Shadow:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80, Blur 5, Color Black

Step 1

Open up the table and chair template and the tube graphic you will be using.  Make your tube graphic active and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the table and chair template active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  Left click the mover tool and place your tube image to the left of the table leaving room on the front portion of the table to later add the pouring coffee animation. See tag above.

Step 2

If the tube image is too large, go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers not checked.

Step 3 (optional)

You can apply a drop shadow to the tube graphic to give it a more dramatic effect by going to Effects/3D Effects/Drop/Shadow and using the settings from above or your own favorite setting. 

Step 4

Go to Layer/New Raster Layer and apply your text.

Step 5 (optional)

You can repeat Step 3, applying the same drop shadow to your text.

Step 6

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and add your copyright information.

Step 7

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 80%, bicubic and resize all layers checked.

Step 8

Left click the crop tool and draw a rectangle going from left to right and down around the area you wish to keep.  Double left click within the rectangle or left click the check mark on the crop ribbon.

Step 9

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible and save this image as a psp or psd file.  We will finish this tag in animation shop.  Click here to continue.