
Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro versions 8 and up. 

Tube of Choice  -  For this tutorial, I used a delightful image created by Suzanne Woolcott.  You can purchase her wonderful art in tube and full form at AMI which stands for Artistic Minds, Inc. 

DSB Plugin Filters.  The Filter we will be using is called Gears.

Accessories - Embroidery hoop and nighttime window created by me, sleeping kitty, bed and needle were images from Microsoft Clipart Media - a great place for graphics.  The lovely bow which I used was created by Clarey and can be downloaded here.  If you love scrapping and collecting scrap graphics, do join her Yahoo Group,  Bagz of Scraps by clicking here.

Any additional decorative items for your tag.

Please remember, when creating your signature tags, to only use permission art and to apply the copyright information on the tag.  If  you have purchased a commercial image, do add your license number as well.

**When creating your Signature tags with Paint Shop Pro, do remember to save continually.  Nothing worse than to use up your memory resources and lose everything!**


Drop Shadow Settings:

1.  Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 65 Blur 2.60, Color Black

2.  Vertical Offset -2, Horizontal Offset -2, Opacity 65 Blur 2.60, Color Black

Magic Wand:

Mode: Add/Shift, Match Mode: RGB Value, Tolerance +/-81, Contiguous checked, Feather: 0, Anti-Alias checked and outside selected. 



Step 1

Open up a new transparent image 700 width by 700 height and open up the tube graphic. you will be using. Left click the dropper tool and left click on a prominent color from your tube graphic that will be used for your embroidery.  This color should now be in the top color box at the material palette. 
Flood fill the transparency with this color.

Step 2

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 90%, Bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked.

Step 3

Go to Effects/Plugins/DSB Flux/Gears and use these settings:

Gears:6 and Strength: 4

Step 4

Go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and use the first drop shadow setting from above.

Step 5

Repeat Step 4 but use the second drop shadow setting from above.

Step 6

Open up the embroidery hoop and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.

Step 7

Repeat Step 2 - resizing the hoop 90%.

Step 8

Open up the bed graphic and resize 50%.  Paste it inside the hoop as a new layer and apply the first drop shadow setting from above.

Step 9

Open up the window graphic and resize at 50%.  Copy and paste the window graphic on the tag as a new layer.

Step 10

Open up the pillow graphic and resize at 20%. Copy and paste the pillow graphic on the tag as a new layer.

Step 11

Open up the sleeping kitty graphic and resize at 40%.  Copy and paste the sleeping kitty on the tag as a new layer.

Step 12

Open up your main tube image and copy and paste it on your tag.  Resize as needed and apply the first drop shadow setting from above.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 13

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 70%, bicubic and Resize ALL Layers checked.

Step 14

Left click the magic wand, and use the settings from above.  Left click the magic wand inside the hoop. Left click on all the solid color areas to select them.

Go to Selections/Modify/Expand and type in 1 - DO NOT DESELECT.

Step 15

Go to Effects/Texture Effects/Weave and use these settings:

Gap and Width 1

Opacity 100

Weave and Gap Color - Black

Fill Gaps - NOT checked off.

Go to Selections/Select None.

Step 16

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and add your text in black.

Step 17

Open the needle graphic and resize 35% and paste it on the tag with a little bit of the graphic sitting on the transparency. (Look at my result, above)

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Step 18

Add your copyright information and licensing information, if applicable.

Step 19

Open up the Clarey Organza bows and select a color and bow that works with your graphic. Resize 30% and paste at the top of your hoop.  Apply the first drop shadow setting from above and go to Layers/Merge/Merge all (flatten).

Save your tag as a jpg.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial.


Nikki, Nichie and Sue