Jukebox Rhythm


Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro.

Jukebox Rhythm Supplies includes the floor, box and jukebox

Optional - any form of tube, scrap element, brush, preset shape to decorate the box stand or you can leave it as is.

Tubes of Choice (2) - The tube images I am using are commercial licensed images created by Joel Adams.  You can purchase Joel Adams delightful art work in both tube and image form through CILM



Drop Shadow:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80, Blur 5, Color Black

Step 1

Open a new transparent image 600 width by 500 height and open up the floor graphic. Make the floor graphic active and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the transparent image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer. Left click the mover tool and move the floor graphic toward the bottom of the transparency but do leave room for your text and copyright information.

Step 2

Open up the box graphic and your tube graphic.  If you wish to change the color of the box to coordinate with your tube graphic, do the following:

At the top color box, select the color you wish for your box. Left click the top color box and when the color selection window opens, write down the hue and saturation amounts.

Go to Adjust/Hue and Saturation/Colorization and type in these amounts.  You will get a color close to that which you selected.

Step 3  

Make the box image active and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  Move the box toward the left bottom area of the transparency.  Look at my tag above.

Step 4 (Optional)

You can decorate this box with a tube, brush, scrap element, etc.

Step 5

Open up the jukebox and copy and paste it to your transparency.

Step 6

Have the two tube graphics you wish to use open.  Resize your tube graphics so that they will fit on your tag by going to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers checked.  BUT do not apply these to your graphic.  We will do that in Animation Shop.  We just want to get them to a size that will work with the tag.  Resave your tube images with another name so that your originals are preserved.

Step 7

Open one of your resized tube graphics and go to Layers/Duplicate and then go to Image/Mirror.

Step 8

Repeat Step 7 with the second tube graphic image.  Save both images as psp files.

Step 9

Going back to your tag.  Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and apply your text.  You can apply a drop shadow to your text by going to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and using the settings from above or your own favorite setting.

Step 10

On the same layer as your text, apply your copyright information and go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible. Save your tag as a psp file.

You should have on your tag - the floor, box, jukebox, text and copyright information - but NO graphic images should be on your tag.  We will add these at Animation Shop.

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