
Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro. 

Tube of Choice: The tube image I am using is a commercial licensed image created by Joel Adams.  You can purchase Joel Adams delightful art work in both tube and image form through CILM.  Please do visit Joel Adam's awesome online gallery by clicking here.  

Supplies for download:  

Highway Supplies - Includes highway template, signpost, convertible and I-95 sign)

Font of choice.


Drop Shadow Setting:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80, Blur 5, Color Black

Step 1

Open the highway template.  Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and flood fill this layer with black or color of choice.  Go to Layers/Arrange/Send to Bottom.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 2

Open up the signpost image and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the highway image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  Left click the mover tool and move the signpost to where you would like it on the tag. 

Step 3

Open up the convertible graphic and make it active.  Go to Edit/Copy. Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  Move the convertible where you want it on the tag.

Step 4

Optional - adding a drop shadow on the convertible.  If you want to make it look more dramatic, go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and use the settings from above or your own.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 5

Open up the tube graphic and make it active. Go to Edit/Copy. Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  Move the graphic on  or near the convertible. If the image is too large, go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked.

Step 6

Apply the same drop shadow as in Step 4.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 7

Open up the I-95 sign and again copy it to the tag and copy and paste it to the tag on a new layer and move it to where you want it on the tag.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Step 8

On the flattened layer add both your text and your copyright information.

Step 9

Go to Image/Add Borders and when the border selection window opens up, select a color from your tag, border width 3 and symmetric checked.

Step 10

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 90% or smaller, bicubic and resize all layers checked.

Save your tag as either a jpg.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial.


Nikki, Nichie and Sue
