Old Fashioned Wood Tag


Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro any version. 

Tube of Choice -   For this tutorial, I used a delightful image  created by Suzanne Woolcott.  You can purchase her wonderful art in tube and full form at AMI which stands for Artistic Minds, Inc. 

Please remember, when creating your signature tags, to only use permission art and to apply the copyright information on the tag which would include both the artist's name and online gallery link.  If  you have purchased a commercial image, do add your license number as well.

Supplies for Download - Old fashioned wood tag template created by me.

Optional Elements - such as tubes, preset shapes, or brushes for added design style.




Drop Shadow Settings (For Text)

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80 Blur 5, Color White


Step 1

Open up your tube graphic, the old fashioned wood tag template, and a new transparent image 538 width by 680 height.

At the Material Palette, select a  deep, solid color for your basic tag.

Flood fill the transparency with that color.

Step 2

Go to Layers/New Mask Layer/From Image.  At the source window's drop down menu, locate the old fashioned wood tag template with source luminance and invert mask data checked.   Click ok.

Step 3

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Step 4

Left click the selection tool and set it to rectangle. Draw a rectangle around the inside of the checkered frame so that the selection surrounds the gradient portion.

Step 5

Make your tube graphic active and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag graphic active and go to Edit/Paste as new layer. Left click the mover tool and move the graphic into the selection.  Do not worry about having the entire graphic within the selection.  The top portion is what is needed.

Step 6

If the top portion of the tube graphic is too large,  go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked. Move the top portion inside the selection, go to Selections/Invert and click the delete key. Go to Selections/Select None.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Step 7

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 85%, bicubic and resize all layers checked.

Step 8

Go to layers new raster layer and add any additional elements you wish for your tag.

Step 9

Add your copyright information and go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Save this file as a jpg.  This is your tag template.

Step 10

Open your saved tag template and go to Layers/New Raster Layer and apply your text.  Do add a drop shadow by going to Effects/3D Efffects/Drop shadow and using the settings from above.

Step 11

Resave your text with a different name.  This way you can share your tag with as many others as you like by saving each tag with a new name and using your tag template for the base tag.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial.


Nikki, Nichie and Sue