Oriental Tag


Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro. 

Tube of Choice  -  For this tutorial, I used a delightful image created by Suzanne Woolcott.  You can purchase her wonderful art in tube and full form at AMI which stands for Artistic Minds, Inc. 

Accessories - Oriental template made from a graphic image from Microsoft Clipart Media - a great place for graphics and two animated lanterns.

Optional Extras - Any scrap images, preset shapes, brushes or tubes that have an oriental theme.

Please remember, when creating your signature tags, to only use permission art and to apply the copyright information on the tag.  If  you have purchased a commercial image, do add your license number as well.

**When creating your Signature tags with Paint Shop Pro, do remember to save continually.  Nothing worse than to use up your memory resources and lose everything!**


Drop Shadow Settings:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80 Blur 5, Color Black



Step 1

Open up the oriental template and go to layers/merge/merge all (flatten).

Step 2

Go to Image/Add Borders and when the border selection window opens up, select a color for your border, symmetrical and border width 6.

Step 3

Open your tube graphic and make it active.  Go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.

Step 4

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked.

Step 5

Go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and use the settings from above.

Step 6

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 72%, bicubic and resize all layers checked.

Step 7

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and apply your text to the tag and apply the drop shadow as you did in Step 5.

Step  8

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and apply your copyright information as well as license information, if applicable.

Step 9 (Optional)

Apply any brushes, preset shapes or tubes that have an oriental flavor.

Step 10

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Save this file as a psp or psd file.  We will add the two lanterns in animation shop.  Click here to continue.