
Jasc's Paint Shop Pro  - any version.

Tube of Choice.  The tube image I am using is a commercial licensed image created by Joel Adams.  You can purchase Joel Adams delightful art work in both tube and image form through CILM

Supplies for download: Pond jpg template, sailboat and jumping dolphin


Drop Shadow Setting:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80, Blur 5, Color Black


Step 1

Open up the pond jpg template, the sailboat and the tube of choice.

Step 2

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer.

Open up your tube image. Make your tube image active and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.   Left click the mover tool and place your image where you would like it on the tag.   If the image is too large, go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked.

Step 3

Go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and apply the drop shadow settings from above or use your own.

**Please remember this is a very large template which will be resized before adding the animation.**

Step 4

To to Layers/New Raster Layer and add the sailboat image to the tag.  If you wish to make the sailboat smaller, repeat the resizing portion of Step 2.

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 5

Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and add your text.  If you wish to apply a drop shadow, repeat Step 3. Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 6

Apply your copyright and go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 7

Left click the crop tool and going from left to right and down, draw a rectangle around all the areas you wish to keep, eliminating all excess white palette not needed.

Once you have your rectangle drawn, either double left click within the rectangle or at the crop ribbon left click the check mark.

Step 8

Save your file as a psp or psd file.  We will now finish the tag in Animation Shop.  Click here to continue....