
Jasc/Corel's Paint Shop Pro.

Kiwi's Filters.  We will be using the videowand filter.

Two Moon Filters.  We will be using the wish it would rain filter.

Tube of Choice  -  I am using a commercial licensed image created by Mark Wasyl and licensed through CILM.  CILM stands for Creative Image Licensing and Management and it is through CILM that you can purchase Mark Wasyl's outstanding images in full or tube form as well as images from many other outstanding artists. 

Fruitylicious Scrap Kit by Fiona Tomlinson.  This beautiful scrap kit is being distributed with permission as part of this tutorial.  If you love scrap kits, please do join Fiona's Yahoo Group, ScrappyDayz by clicking here

Animated Butterflies can be downloaded at Peachie's Collection by clicking here.



Drop Shadow:

Vertical Offset 2, Horizontal Offset 2, Opacity 80, Blur 5, Color Black

Step 1

Open up a new transparent image 600 width by 600 height, your tube image and the Fruitylicious scrap kit psp file. 

Step 2

At the material palette, select a solid color that will coordinate with your tube image and the colors of the scrap kit.

Step 3

Flood fill the transparency with the color you selected in Step 2.

Step 4

Go to Effects/Plugins/v Kiwi's Oelfilter/Videowand and use these settings:

Step 5

Go to Image/Resize using the percent option at 90%, Bicubic and Resize all layers checked. 

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge All (flatten).

Step 6

Go to Image/Add Borders and when the border selection window opens up, select the color black for your border, symmetric and border width 4.

Step 7

Left click the selection tool set to rectangle, Mode: Add/Shift, Feather 0 and Anti-Alias checked. At the Top of the tag in the small rectangular portion to the top right (beyond the thick green line), draw a rectangular selection covering the entire portion of that top portion as you see below:

Go to Effects/Plugins/Two Moon/Wish It Would Rain and apply the filter with these settings:

Go to Selections/Select None.

Step 8

Repeat Step 7 but this time make the selection in the larger rectangular portion below and apply the Two Moon/Wish It Would Rain filter with the same settings as you used in Step 7.

Go to Selections/Select None.

Step 9

Open your tube graphic and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.  If the tube graphic is too large, go to Image/Resize using the percent option, bicubic and resize all layers NOT checked.

Step 10

Go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and use the settings from above.

Step 11

Have the Fruitylicious Scrap Kit open. Select a ribbon and go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tube graphic active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer.

Step 12

Repeat Step 10 applying the drop shadow.

Step 13

At the Fruitylicious Scrap Kit, select the stitches and go to Edit/Paste as New Image. With your selection tool, select one of the stitch colors that will work with your graphic coloration or select more than one - up to you. Go to Edit/Copy.  Make the tag graphic active and go to Edit/Paste as New Layer. Left click the mover tool and move the stitch to the top of the tag. The stitch will need to be resized to fit. 

Repeat Step 9's resizing instructions.

Step 14

Go to Layers/Duplicate and keep duplicating until your stitches fit the entire top portion of the tag.  Once you have all your stitches in place, go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Step 15

At the Fruitylicious Scrap Kit, select one of the butterflies.  Paste it as a new layer. If you wish to angle it, go to Image/Rotate/Free Rotate, Direction: Left, 15 Degrees. 

Step 16

Select the second butterfly and again paste as new layer.  If you wish to angle it, repeat the instructions in Step 15.

Step 17

At the Fruitylicious Scrap Kit, select one of the circular scraps and after pasting it as a new layer, add your text with a drop shadow.

Step 18

Lastly, add your copyright information.

Step 19

Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible and save your file as a psp or psd file.  DO NOT RESIZE THE FILE.  Because of the Wish It Would Rain Filter effects, resizing would change the look of the tag and detract from the clean lines.

We will now finish the tag in animation shop, applying the butterfly animations.  Click  here to continue.