Bronze Wing
This bird is native to Africa and some island in the Gulf of Guinea. They like to live in groups and enjoy eating seeds, green, instects and soft eggs. They are friendly and lively though the males may attack other birds in their mating season.

These birds do not breed easily in captivity, but if you are successful, they will nest in man made nests or make their own.  They will lay between 4-6 eggs which will hatch in 12-16 days.

I have been told that if they are housed with Society Finches, they will cross breed.  I have not had that problem as of yet!!

My bronze wings have built their nest on top of a zebra finch nest up high in the corner of my aviary nestled behind some plants. These great birds get along quite well with my other finches.

Mine tend to perch in the plants and hide in the leaves when they are spooked.  I have also noted that they tend to stay high up in the aviary and usually only come to the bottom to bathe or eat.