Combustion Activated Corrosion.
The research project mainly focuses on the study of fireside corrosion and their mechanism in advance coal-fired/ biomass/waste power boilers. During the initial stages of the project the behaviour of ash formation and the relative importance of the various physical/chemical processes through which minerals undergo during combustion will be accounted for and include particle entrainment; vaporisation; condensation/nucleation; particle coagulation; and metal vapour chemical kinetics and transportation of these matter is studied. Which is followed by study of the ash and mineral vapour deposition rate on the furnace walls and on the convective part of the boiler where the tubes are positioned, which is mainly formation of slagging and fouling. Followed by a detailed understanding of the corrosion mechanism in the interface between the deposits and the wall or tube surface. Finally a CFD based model will be developed to simulate the flow around the tube surfaces, slagging, fouling and corrosion. This computational corrosion model  should be capable of predicting the overall and localized slagging, fouling and corrosion rates in a  coal-fired/ biomass/waste power plant. These predictions will allow the power plant managers to take precautions to minimise these problems, plane regular maintenance work and avoid unplanned shutdown.