Since when did I invite you back into my life
You go away for so long and when you're alone
Im the one who will help you kill time
You come around when its about you
I need to stop my life and help you
I have to put everything aside and go to you
This has become so familiar with us
9 months of my life--the other 3 make-up yours
Im not sure I could see myself with no one but you
In the back of my mind, I live our life out
with a house, our child--so proud and happy
Is that wrong?
Is that dwelling?
I swore I would never let myself love you again
But that never seems to hold true
All this time that I have waited for you--
only for it to be bad timing, yet again
I still see that shy angel who stole my heart
underneath those tattoos and track marks
People tell me to walk away and let you be
You dont ever seem to let me walk away
You always seem to keep me so close
Still up to your old ways and tricks
But if I look hard enough
I can see the real you
