Loving Soul

Poor, unappreciated boy
lived his life like a toy
Only to end it all wrong
And to live not so long
Spent all this time trying to understand your eyes
Not knowing that in that time, your soul dies
You seemed so happy and full of love
Hugging and kissing everything in sight
You never got into a fight
Over who sat next to me
We talked more that one night
Than we ever did
No, it will never happen again
You are no longer breathing
And I can't understand why
You ended your life
So happy to like but really
Sad inside I only wish
To see you again
You want my relationship to work
When everyone looked down upon me and him
You were there with a smile
Others turned me away,
But not you
You made time for me, no matter what
The shows won't seem the same
Without your smiling face there
You gave us support, when we needed it most
You are our number one fan, always forever
You are always in my heart
We miss you...

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