Air ~ Ruach
Symbol =
Associated with the Vav of Tetragrammaton
Associated with Aleph and the 11th Path (between Kether and Chokmah)
Cardinal Point: East (Mizrach)
Tetraporph: Man
Evangelist: Matthew
Color: Yellow
Tone: E
Properties: Hot and Moist
Elementals: Slyphs
Qabalistic World: Yetzirah
Divine Name: Shaddai El Chai
Archangel: Raphael
Angel: Chassan
Ruler: Ariel
King: Paralda
Demon Prince: Azazel
Demon King: Orions
Demon King (Goetia): Amayon
Genius of Qlippoth: Amprodia
River of Eden: Hiddikel (Tigris)
Infernal River: Coctyus
Trump ~ 0 The Fool
Suit ~ Swords
Court Cards ~ Kings (Princes)
Word ~ EXARP
Divine Names ~ ORO IBAH AOZPI
Supreme Elemental King ~ TAHOELOJ
Tattwa: Vayu (blue circle)
Scent: Galbanum
Humor: Phlegm
Jungian Function: Thinking
Chinese System: East. Blue (or Turquoise), Dragon
Grade in Golden Dawn: Theoricus
Sephirah: Yesode
Title: Poraios do Rejectis
Admission Badges: Cubical Cross, Caduceus
Mystic Number: 36
Password: Eloah
Lord of Path 32
Godwin, David. Godwins Cabalistic Encyclopedia. St. Paul, Minnesota 1997.