The Newbie-Nice Rules:

If you are banned do not try to slip through the ban. You have probably been banned for a reason. Wait until the ban expires and then ask why you were banned. Take the rules in consideration before you do this.

You will be kicked and banned for 20 minutes if you say the word "y'all".

Use the same nick. Switching back and forth between nicks in annoying.

The number beside your name is your IP. It is like a name and can be traced and such back to you. So, changing names does not help if you want a different identity.

Do not ask to be an op. The answer is probably already no.

Did you walk into JRC, get called a troll, and get banned before you ever had the chance to mutter a single word? You can e-mail LummoxJR here. If he doesn't listen there's really not much more that you can do, but feel free to e-mail me if you want here.

And that's really all the newbie-nice rules I can think of for now. i'll probably add s'more later. Anyway, on to the commands:


.quit Leaves the chat. This command isn't necessary to log out.
.join Joins a room. Unlike in ICE, you cannot create your own rooms--you must join an existing room.
.me Emote (i.e., "Bob looks around.")
(The ; character may be used as a shortcut for ".me".)
.msg Send private message; separate names with commas, but no spaces, for multiple messages at once.
(The > character may be used as a shortcut for ".msg".)
.who [room] See the user list of a room (the current room is the default).
.whois [name] Get information about a user.
.whereis [name] Find a user.
.users See the complete user list.
.rooms See a list of rooms.
.roominfo [room] Get information about a room.
Ignore/unignore a user. (This is based on IP address, so you can ignore someone for good.)
(.ignorebyip is also a valid command.)
.ignorelist See a list of users you are ignoring.
.isignoring Find out if someone is ignoring you.
.banlist See a list of banned and kicked addresses.
.isgagged [name]
.gaginfo [name]
Find out if you or someone else are gagged. (The .gaginfo command will provide more detailed information about a gag.)
.keepoutlist See a list of people who are not allowed in the room.
.iplookup Shows a list of users with a given IP address.
.ignorebyip Ignores someone with a given IP address.
.oplist [room] See a list of ops on in a particular room or on the entire server.