My Fanfictions
It's Official.  I've begun writing my next story.  It has been titled 'Blood of a Warrior' and revolves around the Blood Pair and their efforts to bring harm to people.  And also, my stories all take place in whatever time period they fit.  That is all.
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The Blood of a Warrior
The Rogue Bull
Lookespoon's first fanfiction, the one in which I was first brought to your attention.  2nd in the series, I have also managed to overcome my foolish predessessor's problem.  It now appears correctly.
O.k, in this one, Nitro Blood first makes an appearance.  It's the first one on the series, and it starts with me being on rather bad terms with the Outers.  Kahriss shows up here.
Fall of Kings
Third in the series, a few months after Rogue Bull, I've been kidnapped by Nitro Bloods androids and Holly refuses to let the Inner Sailor Scouts help.  The Starbrights also make a show in this one.