Chapter 1……  The study of life



Students should be able to :


·        Be aware of the safety rules and how accidents can be prevented .

·        List tools of biologists

·        Compare the features the light microscope ,stereomicroscope, and electron microscope.

·        List the SI units of measurements for length ,volume, mass ,time ,and temperature .

·        Explain the steps of the scientific method .


Chapter Outline


1.     Safety Rules  (print it)


2.     tools used in biology  


a.      microscopes


b.     measuring tools for length , volume , mass


c.     computers


3.     microscopes:  


a.       light microscope: uses light source, for transparent objects, magnifications up to 2000X


b.     Stereomicroscope: for opaque objects, magnifications up to 60X


c.     Electron microscope: uses a beam of electrons, for microscopic objects, magnifications up to 500,000X




     4.  SI units :      (study guide paper) 


    a.   length  1m = 100 cm = 1000 mm


    b.   volume :  1Lit= 1000 ml= 1000 c.c


    c.   mass :  1 kg = 1000 g = 1000,000 mg


    d.   temperature : T c= T f x 1.8 + 32         T f = (T c – 32) /1.8


          5.   the scientific method .(print it)       



Lab  1-2  ;   Study Guide 3-6  ;   Video : understanding science   ;  Microscopes