It is the night before Chloe’s funeral. Unlike on GH, it took them more than twelve hours to put her funeral together. So it is a week after she was murdered so Alexis has known Kristina for a week. Stefan knows about her but Ned still doesn’t know about her...yet.  It is not September is about week into December. Also, to move things along more quickly, let’s pretend that Stavros and the endgame is all over now. It was all discovered and rid of very quickly right after Chloe’s death.  Kristina is living at the port Charles hotel by herself across the hall from Jax. Some of the chapter are kind of short, so just deal. Also, Emily was not transferred to a rehab center. She has recovered at GH and is doing fine. She is still living above Kelley’s and all the Sorel’s murder stuff is done with. Angel came and has gone. Okay on with the story now!


Alexis Davis sat up in her bed in Penthouse Four, sweat dripping off her face and trickling down her arms. She had just woken up from her worst nightmare—and her dream come true. Her ex-fiancé’s words still wrung in her ears.
If you ever need someone to talk to at three am, I’d like to still be that person. She kept repeating the words over and over to herself in her head.
“I should call Chloe.” Alexis mused to herself. Then it hit her like a flash of lighting. Chloe was gone. She had been murdered–by her thought-to-be-dead half brother of all people. Alexis put her face in her hands and fell back onto the satin pillows. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. She wondered what to do now. She could call Kristina. But she had only know  her a week. She didn’t feel comfortable calling her yet. There was only one person she could go to about this. Alexis threw off her satin sheets and gradually got up. She quickly pulled on a pair of old blue jeans a flannel shirt (much like the one from the day of   The Fight). She walked down the stairs of her penthouse and grabbing her keys, she locked the door and headed out.


Alexis stood before the door, hesitating before she knocked. Ned Ashton walked groggily down the stairs of the Gatehouse rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Who the hell is knocking on my door at this hour?!” Ned yelled as he trusted the door open.   Alexis stepped back and cowered down as he did.
“You said I could.” She said quietly.
“Alexis.” Ned stated, lowering his voice to a whisper.  “What are you doing here?” He asked concerned.
“You told me if I ever needed to talk to someone at three am, that I could talk to you.” She said, her face taking a serious tone.
Ned smiled. “Yes, I did. Come on in.” He opened the door wide and Alexis stepped inside. The Gatehouse brought back found memories, and she was glad of it. She wanted to be flooded with good memories at a time like this – not bad ones. She, Ned, Jax and Chloe had spent countless hours in this house, doing God only knows what.  “Coffee?” Ned offered. Alexis nodded in agreement. “I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.” Ned said to himself as he prepared the coffee. He brought two mugs of steaming coffee out as Alexis made herself comfortable on the leather couch.
“So what’s on your mind?” Ned asked as he set the mugs down on the coffee table. Alexis picked one up and took a sip before setting it back down gently. She glanced at Ned nervously.
Alexis was silent for a minute, taking time to just stare at Ned. She realized she had been starring at him too long. “I-I had this dream.” she started.
“A dream?” Ned questioned puzzled.
“About my future-about would or could happen in the future.” she said trying not to stammer.

“Oh.” Ned said barley audible nodding his head in understandment. “Can you tell me about it?”

Ned asked after a moment of silence had passed

Alexis nodded. “I think I can. Or at least I’m going to try.” she said looking up into his deep eyes from where she had been starring at her lap. Alexis could feel tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes.

“Alright.” Ned said nodding his head.

“Most of it was about.....” Alexis trailed off.

“About what?” Ned asked.

“About us.” Alexis said in a whisper as tears trickled down her cheeks. Ned reached over and wiped them away with his fingers.”    

“Oh, honey.” Ned sympathized. As he pulled her into a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder, letting her tears flow.
“Here.” Ned said handing her a tissue. Alexis took it dabbing her eyes with it. “Okay. What happened with us in your dream?” he asked her softly rubbing her shoulder lovingly.

“We um we got married.” Alexis said laughing softly through her tears.

“Well that’s a good thing Alexis.” Ned said comforting her. “What else happened?” he asked.

“We had a daughter. And we named her Kristen Lila after my mother and your grandmother.” she said softly.

Ned is now leaning back on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. Alexis is leaning up against him, her head on his should and her feet are on the couch too. His arm is around her and he continues to rub her shoulder.
“I would have liked that. What else happened?” he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

“Jax came home and brought Brenda with him. She had been kidnapped with amnesia on the Cassadine island by Helena and V and Simon came back from their cruise married and pregnant but V had a miscarriage and Stefan and Chloe got married and we found out that Jax and Brenda were married too and then Jerry came home and he and Bobbie eloped and then Emily and Zander got engaged and then Emily found out that—“ Alexis had been talking very fast but she suddenly stopped, realizing what she had almost spilled.

“Emily found out what?” Ned asked intrigued. “Alexis what do you know about Emily that you aren’t letting on?” he asked.

“Ned, Emily is my daughter.” Alexis said turning to face him.

“Emily is your what?! But how–what about Paige?” he asked confused.

“I was told that Emily was dead. I even identified her body. Then a few weeks ago, I came across some information that lead me to believe that Emily was my daughter. I always called her by her middle name. Christine. It had Helena’s work written all over it. Emily doesn’t know yet and I have no idea how I am going to tell her.” Alexis said her tears resurfacing.

“Who is her father?” Ned asked tentivily.

“Her father is a man– named Andrew. He worked for the Cassadine on the island. I fell in love with him but after Helena found out that I was pregnant she had him killed.” Alexis said quietly.

“Oh, Lex, I’m so sorry. Okay, what else happened in your dream? Though, I’m almost afraid to ask.” Ned said nearly laughing.

“Lois was killed in a car crash and Brooke came to live with us and then I found out my mother was really alive and so was sister.” Alexis said sighing.

“You have a sister?” Ned asked shaking his head.

“Jax found her for me. I met her a week ago.” Alexis said quietly.

“What’s her name?” Ned asked trying to stay calm.

“Kristina.” Alexis replied.

“That was what your mother’s necklace was all about.” Ned said linking the two.

“Yes.” Alexis nodded. “There are two parts. And Kristina has the other half.”  She told him.

“Well that’s quite a story sweetheart.” Ned said going back to rubbing her shoulder.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this before?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.

“I was afraid.” she said.

“Like you were afraid of the wedding?” He asked.

“Yes. I was afraid that then you would know too much about me. Like then you wouldn’t want to marry me or have children with me. That then you wouldn’t trust me. In conjunction of course with my fear of commitment.” She said trying to explain.

“You’ve been through a lot this year. And now to top it all off, your brother has murdered your best friend.” he said quietly.

“I think you may have drove me away more by keeping all of this bottled up inside you and not telling anyone.” He whispered.

“I’m begging to realize that myself Ned.” she said. She turned her head towards him.

“Can I sleep here tonight?” she asked.

He nodded. “Always and forever.” he responded. She smiled faintly at him and rested her head on his shoulder once again.

“Ned?” she asked.

“Yes Alexis?” he asked. They were both still facing forwards.

“I still love you.” she admitted.

“I never stopped loving you for a second.” he responded. Reaching for her hand he clutched it squeezing it for comfort. She turned towards him adjusting herself and he did the same. Tears were streaming down her face.

“I’m so sorry. I love you so much Ned.” she whispered. 

“I love you too very much and I always will.” he said. He brought her close to her as his lips crashed on hers in a sweet and passionate kiss as all of their love ignited from being separated from their soul mate for so long for one night that they had waited for so long....(you get the idea..use your imagination *G)


The next morning. Ned and Alexis are asleep in his bedroom at the Gatehouse. Alexis is asleep on top of Ned. Ned is already awake and is watching her sleep.

Alexis groaned as she stirred. Her eyes fluttered open. It took her a minute to realize where she was.

“Oh Hello.” she said smiling at Ned.

“Hello beautiful.” he said smiling back at her.

“Ned what time is it?” Alexis asked rolling off of Ned and onto the bed beside him. He put his arm around her and she snuggled up next to him and closed her eyes.

“Uh...eight o’clock.” Ned answered looking at the digital clock next to the bed on the side table.

“Ugh. I’m going back to sleep.” She said snuggling up even more to Ned.

“Except we can’t.” Ned whispered in her ear.

“Why not?” she asked opening her eyes.

“Are you forgetting what today is?” he asked quietly.

“Chloe.” Alexis gasped.

Ned nodded his head solemnly. And they both got up to get dressed for Chloe’s funeral.

“Well the funeral isn’t until ten Ned. Why don’t we stop by the hotel first?” she suggested.

“Yeah, I guess Jax could use some friends today.” Ned sighed.

“Yes, I suppose so but that’s not what I was thinking. Kristina lives at the hotel across the hall from Jax.” Alexis said.

“Oh sure. I would love to meet her.” Ned said smiling at her warmly.

“Alright.” Alexis said smiling at him back. She could see the twinkle back in Ned’s eyes.


Later that day. Port Charles Hotel. Outside of Kristina’s suit.

“Okay you ready?” Alexis asked Ned.

“Yeah, sure.” Ned replied readily.

Alexis reached to knock at the door but hesitated.

“Wait. One more thing before we go in.” Alexis said smiling.

“What?” Ned asked puzzled.

“This.” Alexis said as she pulled him close to her and kissed him and they wrapped each others arms around each other.

“Hey I thought I heard your voice out-“ Jax’s voice filled the air as he opened his door across the hall to see Ned and Alexis kissing. “Here.” Jax finished. They still hadn’t heard him. “Well it’s about time.” Jax said louder trying not to laugh. Ned and Alexis broke apart.

“Jax! What are you doing out here?” Alexis asked pressing her lips together.

“Jax. How are you holding up?” Ned asked wrapping his arm around Alexis’ waist and she held onto his hand. They both looked at him concerned.

“I’m fine. And so I suspect are you two.” Jax said smiling.

“Yeah, yeah okay.” Ned said jokingly.

“We just came by to see Kristina.” Alexis told him.

“Oh you told him. Well she’s in her suit. I’ll see you all later.” Jax said and disappeared into his suite before either of them could say another thing.

“I’m worried about him.” Alexis said looking after him.

“Me too. But don’t worry about that now. Introduce me to your sister.” Ned said as they held hands. Alexis knocked on the door. A moment later Kristina answered the door.

“Alexis! Hi. Come in, come in. “ She said cheerfully. Alexis walked in and pulled Ned in with her.

“Kristina this is my-uh-“ Alexis said unsure what to call him.

“I’m Ned.” he said holding out his hand.

“Oh yes Ned.” Kristina said understanding. She and Ned laughed lightly.

“Kristina, we still have to go to Chloe’s funeral but-“ Alexis started.

“Oh I know. I’m going too.” Kristina said.

“You’re what?!” Alexis asked.

“Alexis, Chloe was a good friend to you and Jax and to-Ned. I want to pay my respects because even though I never got to meet her I would like to but since I can’t I want to go to her funeral.” Kristina said.

“Alright, alright, alright.” Alexis said holding up her hands surrendering.

“Okay, well let’s get going then.” Ned said kissing the top of Alexis’ head. Kristina and Alexis exchanged looks as he did this and Ned laughed.

Later the funeral home. Jax, Kristina, Ned and Alexis all come into the funeral home. Sorel isn’t there as on GH. People in attendance are Monica, Alan, Edward, Lila, AJ, Carly, Emily, Liz, Nik, Zander, Lucky, Gia, Felicia, Luke, Laura, Roy, Mac, Bobbie and Stefan.

“Are you going to be alright?” Ned asked Alexis.

“Yes. I think so if you’re there with me.” Alexis said trying to control her emotions.

“Oh my God.” Jax said dazed.

“What?” Ned asked distracted.

“I don’t believe it. I don’t believe she came here.” Jax said his anger rising.

“Who?” Alexis asked curious.

“The red haired witch from the north.” he replied. Ned and Alexis followed his gaze and saw Gertrude.

“Oh my god. Gertrude.” Alexis said.

“What? Who is she?” Kristina asked.

“She’s the one who tried to take Chloe’s company away.” Ned told her.

“Oh gosh.” Kristina said disgusted.

Then Gertrude spotted them out of her eye and she started to make her way over to him. She was crying and dabbed her eyes with the crumpled Kleenex in her hand every once in a while.

“Well, look who it is.” Gertrude said smugly through her tears.

“Gertrude, what are you doing here?” Ned asked her tiredly.

“What am I doing here?! I’m attending my niece’s funeral if you don’t mind.” she said hotly.

“Chloe didn’t like you when she was alive and I doubt she would welcome you to her funeral.” Alexis told her.

“Well I see something’s don’t change.” Gertrude said.

“No, they certainly don’t. Chloe hated what you did to her so why don’t you do us all a favor and make like a tree and leave.” Jax said his face inches from Gertrude. Gertrude didn’t say anything but just looked at them in awe and took a seat in the back row of the funeral home.

“Well isn’t she just all light and sunshine.” Kristina said after Gertrude was out of earshot.

Jax , Alexis and Ned all laughed.

“You know, it just hit me.” Ned said thinking.

“What?” Alexis asked him.

“Who Kristina reminds me of.” Ned said.

“Who’s’ that? “ Jax asked him curious.

“Chloe.” Ned said simply. Alexis and Jax seemed to be pondering it and Alexis smiled nodded in agreement and Jax managed a smile toward Kristina too.  They all went into the funeral parlor. Ned and Alexis sat in the second row behind Jax and Kristina.